Chocolate Mint Smoothie

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watch Anyone who grows mint has it in spades. Anyone who buys mint also probably has extra and wants to get their money’s worth. Everyone wins! In the fall, our herb garden goes bananas and I’m seeking all the ways to use the herbs at hand. I hadn’t made a smoothie with mint this whole season, not since last year’s mojito smoothie (which is also a delicious one). The mint flavor is also perfect to go with a green smoothie. Adding the chocolate flavor muddies the color, but it is ohh-so-worth it.
The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Mint Smoothie

Chocolate Mint Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 cup spinach/kale
1/2 cup greek vanilla yogurt
1/2 apple, frozen
1/2 banana, frozen
hand-full of fresh mint leaves
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds


go site Add greens, vanilla, and milk. Blend throughly.
Then add in the apple, banana, mint, cocoa powder, ground flax seeds.
The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Mint Smoothie
Blend well.
Enjoy! I loved this one! It tastes like dessert but starting the day with a fruit and a veggie is the best. The mint is nicely refreshing and the chocolate makes this taste like a total treat. If the color turns you off, pop it into a cup with a cover. This is totally a keeper! The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Mint Smoothie
Use your mint for these mojito shrimp and in this zucchini/ricotta/herb pasta and then for this smoothie!

September 2018 Recap

go here 0 September went by in a blur. The babe is 6 weeks old and we’re getting our footing a bit. A bit. I cooked a few things but my priority was hitting all the food groups for everyone and not worrying if meals weren’t my most exciting or inventive. I’m giving myself some grace and always striving for some advanced dinner prep while I’m home for maternity leave, especially since dinner time got wayyy crazier with a baby who hates 4pm-9pm and a toddler who is ready to play.

here Some of my go-tos lately have been: sesame noodles & edamame; grain bowls (farro/sausage/zucchini); meatball sliders; eggs/breakfast; and salad bar. I’m 100% still obsessed with a pb&j smoothie I made non-stop while pregnant. I owe you the healthier reboot I took on this smoothie but it is saved on my insta-stories highlights for now. I have a new smoothie to share next month as well as the cutest seasonal appetizer ever. I made this protein-packed salad as a twist on the Italian tuna and white bean salad.
The Three Bite Rule - Tuna & White Bean Protein Salad Because they’re so easy and ohh-so-good, I made these chicken, bacon, cheddar, and ranch turnovers with crescent rolls. After these, the little guy and I made pizza ones with sauce, mozzarella, and pepperoni but we didn’t blog it.
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Bacon Ranch Turnovers
Lastly, dessert is necessary in life and this cheesecake mousse parfait is perfectly packable to bring somewhere or was great mixed to order as you need a little sweet treat.
The Three Bite Rule - Cheesecake Mousse Parfaits

The Little Guy I’m thanking our lucky stars that we’ve squeaked out this long (3.5 years and counting) of him in a crib. With the new baby I’m ever so thankful he’s happy in his bed/crib for now. I have a feeling the toddler bed in is in our future but I’m hoping he can hang on until baby sister sleeps through the night. One thing at a time, right? He is such a good big brother. He loves the baby and doesn’t mind that sometimes we divide and conquer. He has confirmed the only deli meat he’s into is salami. All grains are good- this month he really loved farro which I haven’t made in awhile. We’re all still popping cherry tomatoes from our plants as often as we can. He has especially loved pineapple and raw bell peppers this month.

The Baby Girl 1month
She’s about 6 weeks old now. Just like her big brother did, she struggles in the early evening. Around 4ish she can’t sleep and by 6 she wants nothing to do with anything. Nothing helps soothe her until 8 or 9pm when she’ll eat and then sleep. Apparently this is a thing- like sundowning. Our pediatrician says most work themselves out of it at 6 weeks-12 weeks. Here’s hoping it is any day now! It is emotionally draining, very tiring, and so sad. We’re also trying to give the little guy attention and love (as well as dinner & a bath) after his day at preschool so her screaming makes this timeframe even more exciting. Daytime she’s so happy and starting to smile! She eats every 3 hours and I cannot wait until I don’t have to wake her to eat. Ditto for evenings, we’re waking her every 4-5 hours to eat. Since she wasn’t gaining weight we’re not really at liberty to dismiss her doctor’s advice for eating.

This Year’s Goals:

enter Year of the candle: I got this pumpkin/vanilla-ish one 
Cook more appetizers/snacks: 
Taking time to blog thoughtfully: 
ehh. blogging at all is an accomplishment in my book.
Journal the cute moments of my little one: I slacked this month. 
What I’m reading: 
 I read The Vacationers; The Goldfinch; & The Last Mrs. Parrish 
What I’m watching: 
I’m into The Crown which is fun for some substance

Tuna and White Bean Protein-Packed Salad 0

see Salads for lunch can be tricky. Sometimes they’re tasty but not filling, or sometimes they’re delicious but full of the add-ons and not the healthy parts. I made this one with a tweak on the traditional Italian tuna & white bean salad by really upping the greens. Balance is the goal right now. The days often end with ice cream so starting with a green-based smoothie and lunch centered around veggies, fish, and protein seems like a good idea.
The Three Bite Rule - Tuna & White Bean Protein Salad

Tuna & White Bean Protein Salad (for 2 servings)

Ingredients: 1/2 cup white beans
1 can tuna, white in water
1/2 cucumber
1/2 tomato
2-3 cups arugula


Tramadol Paypal Rinse beans, drain tuna, and wash and chop the tomatoes, cucumber, and greens.
The Three Bite Rule - Tuna & White Bean Protein Salad
Add everything to a bowl.
Mix one part Italian dressing and 1 part Creamy Caesar dressing. Then toss the salad in the dressing.
The Three Bite Rule - Tuna & White Bean Protein SaladEnjoy! I liked the heft to the salad with the tuna and the beans with the fresh and crisp greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers. I often have arugula around because I love the peppery flavor, and it has a pretty long shelf-life in the fridge. The dressing gives the ideal alive, vinegar touch with the decadence of a creamy dressing too.

enter site I only tossed half with the dressing and batched the rest up for the next day. I’m home on maternity leave and sometimes have fun in the kitchen come lunch time…other days, I’m grateful to have a no-brainer lunch ready to sneak it in before the next feeding/naptime/etc. I don’t often bring tuna to the office for lunch because of the smell-factor, but it would be a perfect dinner to have ready too. Reducing (and finely chopping) the greens would make this more like the traditional Italian one that would be great scooped onto crackers!
The Three Bite Rule - Tuna & White Bean Protein Salad

Chicken, Bacon & Ranch Turnovers 0 These little buggers are so cute and delicious. Crescent rolls are getting stuffed with, yup, you’ve guessed it, chicken, bacon, ranch, and cheddar. They became an instant dinner with the help of pre-cooked bacon and some rotisserie chicken. Serve these with some salad and they’re dinner like a hot sandwich, or on a big platter with ranch as an app! They are an ideal weeknight dinner or a fun one for kids to help assemble.
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Bacon Ranch Turnovers

Chicken, Bacon & Ranch Turnovers

Ingredients: 1 can crescent rolls (8)
4 strips of cooked bacon
1 cup roasted chicken, shredded
1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3 tablespoons ranch dressing
1 teaspoon ranch dressing powder mix


Tramadol For Sale Cheap Preheat the oven according to the crescent roll instructions, then shred the chicken and chop the bacon.
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Bacon Ranch Turnovers
Mix the chicken with the dressing.
Unroll the crescent dough into the perforated triangles. Top the wide part of the triangle with chicken, bacon, and cheddar. Then carefully roll towards the point.
Sprinkle ranch powder on top and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment, a baking mat, or sprayed generously with non-stick spray.
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Bacon Ranch Turnovers
Bake 10-15 minutes, as directed by the crescent packaging.
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Bacon Ranch Turnovers These are a great use for leftover chicken if there isn’t a lot of it and they reheat well in the oven or toaster oven. Pop any leftovers into the freezer for another day’s  quick lunch or game-time snack….though, I don’t think you’ll have any leftovers!

Quick Cheesecake Mousse Parfaits with Strawberries

source url 0 I’m backkkk! I whipped up these super quick cheesecake mousse parfaits and can see them showing up on occasion since these are so tasty and so simple. They’d be easy to customize. I nabbed the end of strawberry season which made me love these that much more but top as you like your cheesecake- any berry, chocolate sauce, caramel drizzle, or whatever!

go to link The Three Bite Rule - Cheesecake Mousse Parfaits

Cheesecake Mousse Parfaits with Strawberries

Ingredients: (for 4-6 servings)

enter 1 box cheesecake pudding mix (prepared according to package)
2 cups strawberries
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon sugar
4 oz cool whip (1/2 of a container)
1 cup granola


see url Mix the pudding according to the package and refrigerate.
Slice the strawberries and stir in water and sugar. Refrigerate until serving.
The Three Bite Rule - Cheesecake Mousse Parfaits
Before serving, mix in the cool whip. Serve mousse with strawberries and top with a sprinkle of granola.
The Three Bite Rule - Cheesecake Mousse ParfaitsEnjoy!

Tramadol Ordering Swap out the granola for graham cracker crumbles or vanilla cookie crumbles too.

Buy Cheap Tramadol Mastercard I had this on the brain for awhile but whipped it up (literally, whipped the pudding! Ha!) on a random weeknight. Now I’d be ready to bring this anywhere. It’d pack really well to mix just before serving. Psssst! Use the rest of the cool whip for this lemon fruit dip!

August 2008 Recap & Baby Arrival 0 Baby girl is here! She arrived 6 loooong days late but we’re all doing great and are glad to be a family of 4! She’s so snuggly and sweet. August was so hot and humid and so hard to wait. The little boy was off to the beach for the week while we waited for her. After 15 hours of contractions at home, we went in to the hospital that night not sure if she was really coming and early the next morning, here she was!
Baby C

Paypal Tramadol I may be back to blogging sooner than I thought. I’m anticipating doing more while on maternity leave than after going back to work so stay tuned! I have a few things lined up and I’m thinking maybe once a week might be the new norm. We’ll see! I didn’t do meal prep before she was born but I put together some freezer kits to have dinner ideas and ingredients all set. Freezer food in the summer is tricky! I’m also lowering my expectations and focusing on everyone eating all the food groups. Also, the Trader Joe’s staples have helped with dinners- everyone’s favorite is the Orange Chicken over brown rice with edemame.

Freezer kits:

follow url sausage & peppers: chicken sausages; sautéed onions & peppers; and rolls
meatball sliders: chicken meatballs & beef meetballs; pesto; tomato sauce; mozzarella; and slider rolls
taco kit: shredded pork; cheddar; roasted corn (needs tortillas & lettuce & salsa)

The Little Guy: He seems so big! He got to go on the fam vacay to the beach while we waited for the baby. He’s adjusting pretty well. Week one was rockier, but it feels a bit better now. I can’t tell if he had a tough week just coming off the beach vacation, or just back to a schedule, or just life as a 3-year-old, or an adjustment to the baby. He is so funny when he talks about the basement reno and when he pretend calls the plumber and contractor. He made slime at school and really loves playing with it. Food-wise, he was thrilled to have edemame in the pods…he LOVES popping them out of the pod. PB&J is still his fav of all time. I have my fingers crossed that he stays in his crib awhile longer- until the baby sleeps through the night. Maybe? That would be awesome.

The Baby Girl:

Buy Cheap Tramadol Online Cod She’s doing so well! She’s eating and sleeping quite well! Week 2 we got to transition from feeding every 2-3 hours at night to every 4-5 hours. Woohoo! Nursing is going well, and much easier than last time, so far, (knocks on wood!). I forgot that infants can sleep without having been being awake for long. Once a day she reminds us that she’s a newborn and she’ll do what she wants- even when she doesn’t know what she wants.

This Year’s Goals:

Online Doctor To Prescribe Tramadol Year of the candle: this month it was a citronella 
Cook more appetizers/snacks:
Taking time to blog thoughtfully:
Journal the cute moments of my little one: how he pronounces The Hulk as “the Julk”
What I’m reading: 
 I read a ton! I read Sweetbitter & A Reliable Wife & Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook; & Tender at the Bone & A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
What I’m watching:
nothing super special- Bachelor in Paradise, America’s Got Talent, a special about The Royals in preparation for The Crown that I plan to start.

July 2018 Recap 0

Tramadol Eu Online July was different. I’m so so so pregnant and waiting and hoping for this baby to come! I haven’t cooked much and am really focused on fast & easy meals that don’t require too much work. I grabbed a few things at Trader Joe’s being mindful of complete meals, not just items and that has been so helpful. We loved potstickers and fried rice and mini chicken tacos with fire roasted corn and orange chicken to go with rice & peppers. I think I need another haul before the baby comes! I haven’t prepped a bunch of food like last time, so maybe that’ll happen, or not. We’ll see!

follow This might be it for awhile- with any luck, the baby will be here soon and I don’t know that I have grand plans to blog anything! (hear that baby girl, come on out!)

Favs this month: Flavored cream cheese was a fun and gave me lots of ideas. I made Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese and put it on BLTs before it being bfast. Then I made a different one that I’ll make again and blog for you.
Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
Life isn’t complete without a rice bowl like this Kielbasa Grain Bowl. I can’t stop. This one wasn’t the most creative, but it was so addictive and hit the spot.
Kielbasa Grain Bowl - The Three Bite Rule
I made a Light Lemon Dip that is ideal for this season of produce!
The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Fruit Dip

Bump Update: Last one! Ohh I can’t wait for the baby- especially with my due date in the first few days of August. I’m done being pregnant. Can you tell? Have I mentioned that? I posted something on FB and wanted to slap the 2 people who apparently thought I needed perspective. pshhh. I think sage advice is to just encourage a pregnant person. I doubt any want your unfounded realism- no uterus, no opinion. Sleep is hit or miss and I’m so uncomfortable by the end of the day. I’m in a surviving-not-thriving state. We’re ready with everything so I’m in countdown mode.

The Little Guy:

here He’s such a swimmer! We got him to try a different swim float. He wasn’t interested initially and I didn’t want to push it since all I cared about right now was comfort at the pool. Plus, there’s a lot changing in our lives so I didn’t see him wanting something different once he was committed to the boating-style life jacket. He tried it and success! He’s so proud of himself and it is much better so he can move around better and do more himself. Foodwise, he’s been quite into pesto and has surprised himself liking things he wasn’t thinking he’d try….we knew he’d like ’em, but hey- to be 3. He got some hand-me-down toys and is obsessed: a very loud fire truck that moves w/ lights & sirens; k’nex which are so fun and we make lots of monsters; duplos or what he calls “big legos”; and a track & vehicle set that might be less annoying when I’m not pregnant.

This Year’s Goals:

follow link Year of the candle: nope, just enjoying the few that seem seasonal-ish. 
Cook more appetizers/snacks: 
I made Lemon Dip for Fruit
Taking time to blog thoughtfully: 
ehh, this wasn’t really something I focused on.
Journal the cute moments of my little one: I like when he says “maybe this should go here, maybe I want to use this train, maybe we should play ___”
What I’m reading: 
 I’m not sleeping super regularly so I’ve read a lot! I read Before We Were Yours and The People We Hate at the Wedding and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine 
What I’m watching: 
we watched Chappaquiddick which was fascinating and well done.

I think I’m done blogging until the baby comes and we’ve surfaced for air. Whenever that is. Find me on Instagram in the meantime!

Cherry Mango Smoothie

This one is a keeper! I whipped it up for breakfast but it could definitely be your dessert, or add a splash of a fruity liquor and you’ve got yourself a very frosty beverage! The fruity flavors really stand out and feel summery, without being exactly tropical. I wanted to add some pineapple but pregnancy heartburn is no joke so I kept it simple. I loved it so much that now I want to add this to my popsicle molds! It is mid/late July and I haven’t made popsicles yet! Where’s the time going???
The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Mango Smoothie
The little guy liked this one a lot and asked for seconds. It was a great way to better introduce fruits we don’t have all the time. Just after this smoothie, he ate some cherries with grandma remembering he had them before!

Cherry Mango Smoothie


1 cup mango (I used frozen)
1 cup cherries (I used frozen)
1/2 large banana or 1/2 pear
3/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons ground flax seeds (optional)
1/2 cup milk/water/juice (I used some milk & some water)


Add the fruits, yogurt, and flaxseeds to the blender and blend.
The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Mango Smoothie
Stream in liquid until your desired consistency.
The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Mango Smoothie

I go thick but drinkable with my fav aluminum straws or if I’m bopping around in the morning it might melt a bit before I finish. In this summer’s heat, that doesn’t take long around here! I loved how fruity and bright this smoothie is! I was inspired by a Polar seltzer flavor- despite never drinking seltzer. I’m not so into bubbles…except for champagne! The fruit combo was great since they are both easy to have on hand from the freezer – which also means, no slicing & dicing!

Kielbasa Grain Bowls

Ohh you know I love a good grain/rice bowl! I wasn’t planning on blogging this one but it is too good not to add to the repertoire…and it is always helpful for me to remember my own ideas! I used turkey kielbasa with fresh pineapple, raw green bell peppers, and brown rice which were so great together with the easiest sauce drizzled over the top.
Kielbasa Grain Bowl - The Three Bite Rule
The rice went into the pressure cooker, because it does magical things to brown rice. The turkey kielbasa is already cooked, but just got a little caramelization in a cast-iron skillet when it was too hot to even turn on the grill. The sauce is just a few quick ingredients. The little one loved everything about this combo. He’d be glad to live on rice.

Kielbasa Grain Bowls (for 4)


1 1/2 cups brown rice
13 oz turkey kielbasa (or Polish sausage or chicken sausage)
1/2 green bell pepper
1 cup fresh pineapple
3 tablespoons bbq sauce
1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce
1/2 teaspoon maple syrup


Prepare the rice and set aside.
Slice the kielbasa into 1/2 inch disks and sear in a medium skillet with a drizzle of oil, over medium heat, until warmed through and it begins to caramelize around the edges a bit.
While the kielbasa cooks, chop the pepper and pineapple.
Whisk (or shake in a jar) the bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, and maple syrup.
Assemble the bowls with rice, kielbasa, pepper, and pineapple. Then drizzle the sauce over the top.
Kielbasa Grain Bowl - The Three Bite Rule
Kielbasa isn’t an ingredient we have all the time but it was fun for something different and I loved the flavor. It already being fully cooked was also a perk! The little guy is not always into meat lately but he ate a bit of this. I want him to keep being exposed to everything and we’ll see what happens.

I thought of mixing a little dijon into the rice just after finishing eating. You do it and tell me how it is!

Honey Rosemary Cream cheese on BLTs

Somebody at work brought salt bagels and honey rosemary cream cheese from Bagelsaurus for a breakfast party and I couldn’t get over this signature combo. I loved the woodsy but sweet cream cheese with a salty bagel. I knew I had to have it again before I’d get to Bagelsaurus, so I made some for a sandwich! I wanted pretzel rolls but ended up with some quality sourdough. I used the rest of the honey rosemary cream cheese for breakfasts and will totally make some again.

I like BLTs to be in that order. This one got an exception, but I normally feel quite strongly about this. Lettuce in the middle is tricky to photograph so I ventured to this BTL. Do as you wish. Does it matter to you? Don’t worry- I still like you even if you don’t care the order. 🙂

Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
Also, about half my greens are basil for a little summery kick to this.

Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese & BLTs (for 2)


1/4 cup cream cheese (I used whipped, or regular works too)
2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
2 teaspoons honey
~2-3 strips of bacon per sandwich, cut in halves
sandwich bread/rolls/bagels


Finely chop the rosemary. Mix up the cream cheese, rosemary, and honey.
Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
Refrigerate until serving – keeps in the refrigerator for ~1 week.
Pan fry the bacon until crisp, then drain on paper towels.
Slice the tomato & chop the greens, if needed.
Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
Generously spread the cream cheese on to the insides of the bread and build the sandwiches.
Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
Slice & enjoy!

I really loved this combo. I almost added avocado but it wasn’t quite ready. Add a fried egg and serve on a bagel for a really magical experience! I liked the cream cheese here instead of any cheese on the BLT. How amazing would it be on a pretzel roll or salt bagel? That’ll be next for me!
Honey Rosemary Cream Cheese on BLTs - The Three Bite Rule
The cream cheese was really easy and could easily be mixed up in advance. It would be a really fun to serve with local bagels for house guests or to bring as a hostess gift! I only made a bit but you could make a little or a ton!