Kielbasa Grain Bowls 1 Ohh you know I love a good grain/rice bowl! I wasn’t planning on blogging this one but it is too good not to add to the repertoire…and it is always helpful for me to remember my own ideas! I used turkey kielbasa with fresh pineapple, raw green bell peppers, and brown rice which were so great together with the easiest sauce drizzled over the top. go to link Kielbasa Grain Bowl - The Three Bite Rule enter The rice went into the pressure cooker, because it does magical things to brown rice. The turkey kielbasa is already cooked, but just got a little caramelization in a cast-iron skillet when it was too hot to even turn on the grill. The sauce is just a few quick ingredients. The little one loved everything about this combo. He’d be glad to live on rice.

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Kielbasa Grain Bowls (for 4)

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups brown rice Order Tramadol From Canada 13 oz turkey kielbasa (or Polish sausage or chicken sausage) 1/2 green bell pepper follow 1 cup fresh pineapple Cheap Tramadol Online Overnight Delivery 3 tablespoons bbq sauce source url 1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup

Directions: Prepare the rice and set aside. follow link Slice the kielbasa into 1/2 inch disks and sear in a medium skillet with a drizzle of oil, over medium heat, until warmed through and it begins to caramelize around the edges a bit. By Tramadol Online While the kielbasa cooks, chop the pepper and pineapple. click here Whisk (or shake in a jar) the bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, and maple syrup. source url Assemble the bowls with rice, kielbasa, pepper, and pineapple. Then drizzle the sauce over the top. Enjoy! see url Kielbasa Grain Bowl - The Three Bite Rule Kielbasa isn’t an ingredient we have all the time but it was fun for something different and I loved the flavor. It already being fully cooked was also a perk! The little guy is not always into meat lately but he ate a bit of this. I want him to keep being exposed to everything and we’ll see what happens.

Order Tramadol Us To Us I thought of mixing a little dijon into the rice just after finishing eating. You do it and tell me how it is!