What I Ate: Loaded Nacho Waffle Fries

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https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/udwtxwjmd0sWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Tramadol For Sale Online Cod You neeeed this super easy and fun dinner in your rotation for December. It is delicious, a great use of leftovers, and couldn’t be easier. What else could you look for from a weeknight dinner!? We have something Mexican about once a week so I popped a small portion of pulled pork into the freezer for occasions such as this. Add gather some queso sauce, tomato, avocado, green onion, salsa, and cheese onto waffle fries and you’ve got yourself a meal!

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Visa Taco night gets recreated for a whole different feel. I’m working to ensure foods aren’t always the same for my little one…I don’t want him thinking tacos are always one way, or cheese is always in string form, etc. Having tacos/burritos/quesadillas/etc help ensure he sees ingredients he’s familiar with in another format so it is still approachable. I took a similar tactic for a recent salami & cheese calzone being his fav sandwich flavors. I have adventurous eaters in our family, but doesn’t everyone just want a crowd-pleasing, slam-dunk of a dinner in the rotation, right?
The Three Bite Rule - Loaded Waffle Fries

https://brako.com/en/qe4dwmtwy Pssst. These would totally fill a group for a weekend lunch, after sledding, as a quick meal before some festive holiday gathering, or watching a game (<- jeez, I sound like I host football parties non-stop. I just like how those games bring out the snacks!).

Loaded Nacho Waffle Fries

Ingredients: (serves 3-4)

https://www.inaxorio.com/akm4cj90bp 3/4 bag frozen waffle fries
~1 cup pulled pork (or pulled chicken or taco meat)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar
1/2 cup salsa con queso
1 avocado, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1 green onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup salsa


go Bake the fries according to the package.
While they bake to a crisp, pan fry the shredded pork to brown a bit and warm the queso.
Sprinkle the shredded cheese on the waffle fries and return to the oven to melt.
Drizzle some queso onto the fries and top with pork.
The Three Bite Rule - Loaded Waffle Fries
Serve and offer the toppings of tomatoes, avocado, green onions, and salsa as a top-your-own station, or top the whole platter and let everyone dig in.
The Three Bite Rule - Loaded Waffle Fries
These are plate and fork nachos, which are the very best kind! They are truly loaded and so filling- as in, ours were on salad plates instead of dinner plates! Loaded waffle fries are definitely enough to be a meal. Our toddler thought it was a super fun dinner! I’d argue that the baked fries aren’t really a far reach health-wise from the rest of it being a taco or regular nachos. These are more filling so plan portions accordingly!

Order Tramadol Online India This uses up the remainder of queso and a small amount of pork & cheese so it reminded me not to underestimate what can become a meal! Vegetarian-ize them swapping pork with black beans and saute some bell peppers or add whatever toppings would go in your tacos!

What I Ate: Teriyaki Turkey Rice Bowls

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Buy Cheap Tramadol CodWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://etbscreenwriting.com/u42u30x I love a build-your-own rice bowl and have adapted many times. The little one can eat his weight in brown rice so this one came together easily in the spirit of a weeknight dinner to be prepped in advance. Those mad rushes between daycare pick up, arriving home with a sweet request for playtime outside, and dogs who have missed humans mean that once 6ish strikes dinner neeeeeds to be well underway.
The Three Bite Rule - Teriyaki Bowls

see I made the brown rice in the pressure cooker that morning, roasted the broccoli most of the way that morning, AND cooked the ground turkey the night before. #winning Photowise, I wish I had tons more add ins, but this was quick & easy so it won’t win an instagram prize, but it is real-life!

Teriyaki Turkey Rice Bowls (for 3-4)


source site 1 cup brown rice (& liquid as rice instructs)
3/4 pound ground turkey (or sub ground chicken/pork/beef)
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
2 small heads of broccoli
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon sesame seeds


https://geneticsandfertility.com/pvovz83r Cook the rice according to the package. (If cooking it in advance, add a splash of water when reheating.)
Brown the ground turkey in a large pan. When it has cooked for about 3-5 minutes, drain off any moisture. Then add in half of the teriyaki sauce (1 tablespoon) and the garlic to cook another 3-5 minutes. (If prepping in advance, cook less and ensure to cook through before serving.)
Roast the broccoli with a drizzle of oil, salt, and pepper for ~10 minutes at 375 degrees.
Whisk together the remaining teriyaki sauce (1 tablespoon) with sesame oil and rice vinegar.
Assemble with rice on the bottom, broccoli, ground turkey, a small drizzle of sauce (careful, it is strong flavored), and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Can You Buy Real Tramadol Online I loved this. It was super flavorful and a nice balance. I would also love other add ins, like: edemame; lightly sauteed purple cabbage; and bean sprouts.
The Three Bite Rule - Teriyaki Bowls

follow I tend to grab ground chicken since it is 99% of the time priced lower than ground turkey but this time the turkey was on sale. These bowls would be an easy use for any leftovers, or could be reduced for a single serving. The little one was most into the rice and the crunchies (sesame seeds).

What I Ate: Sugared Lime Watermelon

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https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/konqo2p5What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

get link Summer produce is in prime and I was wanting to make this snack but a fourth of a seedless watermelon seems like a lot when it isn’t anyone’s fav fruit at home. We gravitate to berries, cantaloupe and nectarines. It seemed like a good choice to bring to a BBQ to feed others though!
The Three Bite Rule - Sugared Lime Watermelon

Sugared Lime Watermelon


https://bxscco.com/i74uaijp 1/4 seedless watermelon, sliced
zest of 1 lime
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt


enter site Slice the watermelon.
Zest the lime and mix in the sugar and salt.
The Three Bite Rule - Sugared Lime Watermelon
Sprinkle generously over each side of the sliced watermelon, serve, and enjoy!
The Three Bite Rule - Sugared Lime Watermelon
Not rocket science, but ohh-so-good. I love the lime and the salt with the watermelon. It was perfect for a warm day to eat outside – or any setting appropriate for watermelon juice to run down your arms!

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/l8vgbk5s I brought it ready to go, but next time I might sprinkle the sugar/salt/lime zest mix just before serving. It’d be cute cut onto skewers for a mobile snack!


What I Ate: German Chocolate Cake Topped Waffles

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get linkWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://brako.com/en/j86kgb2mrse The little one is obsessed with waffles. Seriously, he wants a waffle every. day. I saw Belgian waffles in the freezer section and was totally intrigued. I wanted to start with the frozen waffle but go with really fun toppings.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles

German Chocolate Cake Inspired Waffles (for 2)


https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/9v7vjo2ot Belgian waffles
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon chocolate sauce
3 tablespoons nuts
2 tablespoons coconut flakes


Purchase Tramadol Overnight Cheap Toast the waffle until crisp and keep warm until serving.
Whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. While it is whipping, add in the chocolate sauce. Chill until serving.
In a dry pan, toast the nuts.
Then, use the pan to toast the coconut.
Top the waffles with coconut and nuts.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles
Add the chocolate whipped cream to a plastic bag and cut a corner and add to the top.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles

follow link I loved this 5 minute fun breakfast for a weekend morning. Swap out the walnuts for almonds and poof, you have an almond joy waffle I guess!


What I Ate: Cherry Basil Toast

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source urlWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://bxscco.com/traq316vd0v More toast! My basil is going gang-busters…knock on wood. I wanted a savory-ish toast with basil and ended up sweetening it up with some cherries. It was kind of the best of both worlds. Plus, it only took a few cherries. Cutting cherries around the pit is only fun for so long.
The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Basil Toast


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1 tablespoon cream cheese
1/4 cup cherries, pitted & chopped
2 basil leaves, rolled & sliced


Cheapest Tramadol Cod Toast the bread until well done, so the cream cheese doesn’t tear it. Spread the cream cheese on.
Sprinkle the cherries and basil on.

https://brako.com/en/lskl45rd The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Basil Toast

https://etbscreenwriting.com/0u0caiy It felt like summer to a T. I love cherries but only bought a few after having some that were so good at work. I’m on vacay and hoping my basil is still doing well when I get home. I feel pesto coming on!!

What I Ate #ToastedTuesday Peach, Pistachio Toast

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source siteWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

see I was thinking I’d go for another fruity & nutty option, in a different direction than a nut butter one like this one. I wanted soft & sweet with crunchy and salty. This hit the spot, plus it was so dang quick to throw together! Of all my toasts, this one was perfect for balance. I liked the bit of creamy dairy, the small amount of salty crunchy nuts, and the fresh fruit. I made another baby one with the almost-heal of the bread to be a solid breakfast meal.
The Three Bite Rule - Peach Pistachio Toast

Peach & Pistachio Toast

Ingredients: for 1 serving

source link Wheat toast
2 tablespoons ricotta or cream cheese
1/2 nectarine or peach
2 tablespoons shelled pistachios


https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/h51d4ehx1 Toast the bread until crunchy.
Slice the peach/nectarine into thin pieces
chop the nuts a bit

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/drka7yz I love the flavor of pistachios and I probably don’t use them nearly enough. I was itching to make this toast but needed the nectarine to ripen a bit. I don’t love the fuzz of a peach but to each his own. The ricotta provided a creaminess as well as the sticking point to ensure each bite didn’t have toppings sliding all over!

go The Three Bite Rule - Peach Pistachio Toast

Tramadol To Buy Cheap I dare say, frozen peaches are pretty good for flavor and texture so this one wouldn’t be impossible at other seasons of the year when peaches aren’t around. Maybe I’ll make a winter-ized version in the cooler months. The peaches might need to be chopped but, it could work!

Tramadol Ordering Ok, make some toast. Go nutty at breakfast.

What I Ate: French Onion Hot Dogs


What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Mr. J gets all the credit for these dogs! Normally we load up the toppings for burgers so this was a fun twist! We topped them with french onion dip, chips, and chives. So fun!

The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Hot Dogs

French Onion Topped Hot Dog


2 hot dogs
2 hot dog buns
2 tablespoons French Onion Dip
chips, broken in to pieces
1 teaspoon chives


Grill the hot dogs & slice the rolls.
Top with the dip, chips, and chives.

The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Hot Dogs
Pssst. Need another dog option? This Hawaiian Hot Dog with teriyaki and pineapple relish topping. Plan a hot dog bar for your 4th celebration!!

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Almond Butter & Blackberry

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Let the toast continue! There’s nothing better than peanut butter toast for breakfast. For this one, I picked a very special nut butter and fresh blackberries.
The Three Bite Rule - PB & Blackberry Toast
I chose vanilla almond butter as a treat over my usual chunky peanut butter…hello, that one is $12 a jar. tweleveeeee-dollarsssss. The packet for a buck was enough of a treat. I love peanut butter with berries instead of jelly. My little one is jelly obsessed so he’d think I’m crazy but hear me out.:  the sticky nutty pb neeeeeds fresh and juicy.


Oatmeal toast
vanilla almond butter/any nut butter
blackberries, sliced in half
drizzle of honey or maple syrup

The Three Bite Rule - PB & Blackberry Toast
Toast. Top. Enjoy!

Pssst. June is basically over but I might keep the toasts going. I have a few I didn’t get to yet! Stay tuned!!

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Sourdough with Ricotta, Arugula, & Bacon

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Ohh this is the stuff savory breakfasts are made of! Bacon. Arugula. Ricotta. Sourdough bread. I loved every bit of this and iiiiif you can’t get on board with this as breakfast, at least plan for this to be your next crostini appetizer, light lunch, or too-hot-to-cook dinner.
The Three Bite Rule - Arugula Toast with Bacon
My new realization for good toast is the special & fancy bread. I found this sourdough square loaf uncut but was cheaper than some of the others prob because it requires slicing myself. The bacon is your salty, and necessary. Arugula is the peppery and the fresh part. Ricotta is the most underrated cheese that seems to only survive in people’s lasagna. I like it cool & spread on toast but cream cheese could go here if that’s your preference.

Ricotta, Arugula, & Bacon Toast

Ingredients: (for 1 serving)

2 slices bacon
1 slice sourdough bread
2 tablespoons ricotta
1-2 cups baby arugula
1 teaspoon balsamic dressing


Chop the bacon into small pieces and pan fry until crispy.
While the bread is toasting, toss the arugula in the dressing.
Spread the ricotta onto the bread, top with arugula, and sprinkle the bacon on top.

The Three Bite Rule - Arugula Toast with Bacon
Mr. J’s birthday burger is next. Stay tuned!!