October 2023 Recap

October felt like a month where we were in our groove. We had gotten more used to aftercare pick ups, all the soccer practices, weekend plans, and what we need to be ready for it all. We are psyched for Halloween.

I made a Bfast Pizza with Everything Bagel Crust

The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Pizza with Everything Bagel Crust

We had an impromptu Ranch-Off testing out 3 ranches to dip. The “restaurant-style” packet is way better than the regular. I don’t know why. Tell that to my very large canister of dry ranch mix. 

The Three Bite Rule - Wingstop Dupe Ranch-off

Lastly, I made a butternut squash and bacon tart. I loved it having lots of squash and only enough egg to hold it together. It is sweet and salty and perfect. 

Next month I’ll share a lunch idea and an app. I’m not sure what else. Next month brings my blogaversary and new goals. It will wrap up soccer and bring a new routine.

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/sdu1o7h The Big Kid: 
He’s very into sports cards, stats, and teams. The soccer season wraps up soon and it has been fun to see his group. I love picking up from aftercare and kids saying bye or getting to local fall events and him finding his friends. There’s a new ga-ga ball court at school and he’s obsessed.  

go to site The Little One: 
She got very good at taking the world’s most awful-smelling antibiotic (we mixed with chocolate syrup for the win!). She has a best buddy in kindergarten who we hear about daily. We met this little one at a back to school playground meet up and while you can’t judge a book by its cover, C definitely zero’ed in on a long braid and dress. All the kids love seeing one another at soccer or wherever. 

Tramadol Order Overnight Goals:
https://living4youboutique.com/km9cqyl7lpb Year of workwear! I grabbed some fall-colored tops for family photos
follow url Salads or side-dishes: I made some soft cornbread and seriously, this is the only one to ever make. 
Order Tramadol Online Europe prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I prepped some savory waffles – like this but with bacon and cheese; and I had the butternut squash and bacon tart as lunch a few times. 
Tramadol Online American Express Monthly dates: Stars aligned last minute for an unplanned date for Mexican at Casa Loca. 
follow link Declutter/cleaning: Now that we’re into the next season of clothes, the kids needed to pass off ones that don’t fit. 
click Workouts as a routine: I’m now onto a long kickboxing one I’ve done several times.  
Order Tramadol 180 Tabs What I’m reading: I read Remarkably Bright Creatures and Hello Beautiful.

September 2023 Recap

September was such a big-feelings month. The little one starting kindergarten felt so significant and the start of soccer for both of them meant more schedules than we have coordinated lately. September also included our 12th wedding anniversary. 

In the kitchen, I was most psyched about these chorizo eggs “benedict“. There’s white queso replacing what should be/could be hollondaise which I think is so fitting but go for the way you’d like it. 

The Three Bite Rule - Chorizo Eggs Benedict

This butternut iced coffee was such a fun treat. We straddle the line for iced vs hot as fall progresses but I’d be happy with this in any coffee! 

The Three Bite Rule - Butternut Iced Coffee

I also gave the taco-spiced deviled eggs a little refresh from 2017!

The Three Bite Rule - Redo Taco Deviled Eggs

Next month I have some ideas for a pizza, a fall cocktail or sangria, and we’ll see what else. I’m ready for some fall flavors but we’re very much in kid-activity-timing these days. A few days a week somebody is at a practice so dinners have been more focused on everyone getting enough at whatever time works for them. 

enter site The Big Kid: 
Third grade has kicked off well so far. He loves a routine and is so much better at getting himself ready than we saw in his younger years! Soccer is very fun to see them pass and shoot and score – that’s of course the game, but the bigger kids play for real which is refreshing. He’s still all-in on hard boiled eggs and pasta.

https://brako.com/en/16ywde8b78x The Little One: 
She LOVES kindergarten and wishes every day would be a school day. I was so proud to see her pop right up onto the school bus. I was in turmoil hoping she made it to aftercare on the bus. It has gone smoothly but is a lot to hope a 5 year old will follow correctly. Since food was all provided at preschool, she loves packing a snack. She’s been great at soccer – though they were all a mess when we had a later time for a make up- lesson learned 6pm they’re tapped out. I’m such a proud coach! She was happy to see soup more often now and all the cheese.

Tramadol Buying Online Goals:
Tramadol Purchase Online Legally Year of workwear! I got a dress that my whole office gushed over. 
source Salads or side-dishes: I haven’t made interesting sides but the kiddos couldn’t get enough of heirloom tomatoes with Italian dressing so sometimes maybe less is more?
https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/3y2rzju prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I haven’t made anything interesting, but have had stuff around so I’ll get back to it but snacky lunch, burritos I’ve frozen, and chicken salad has been fine
go Monthly dates: We celebrated our anniversary at Chickadee and I had the best meal – I chose squid ink pasta and loved it. We started with a trio of dips, what could be better?
https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/s8mfz3dnxz Declutter/cleaning: We dropped off a bag at Savers and came home with just a few kid sneaks.
https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/62thozk2df Workouts as a routine: I’ve been doing these “rough around the edges” videos from stunt women and have picked & chosen ones I wanted to do.  
follow site What I’m reading: I read Our Missing Hearts for bookclub and it was too heavy to really enjoy or appreciate. I also read The Mystery of Mrs. Christie and loved it for its intrigue and speed. I read Swipe Up for More: Inside the Unfiltered Lives of Influencers and thought it was pretty good, but all were ideas and convos I’ve heard on podcasts. Anyone who hasn’t will love this one. I finished the month with Same Time Next Summer and loved it. It had serious parallels to Every Summer After but with fun and likable characters and none of the teen spiciness. 

August Recap 2023

Howwww is summer over? I cannot believe how quickly it went! Now is is the last bits of summer and getting ready for fall. August was fun with a beach vacation and lots of time at the pool, and with friends.

These deviled eggs with BBQ sauce, corn, & crispy onions were so summery. Make some for labor day and they’ll be gone quickly!

The Three Bite Rule - BBQ Deviled Eggs

Grilled Peach & Ricotta Toasts could be breakfast, lunch, or an app.

The Three Bite Rule - Peach Ricotta Toast

I made lettuce wraps with honey mustard chicken and thought they were so fun. The kids were medium on it but in hindsight one said that was “sooo good”. The next day I used some leftovers to make caesar salad ones with parmesan. They were also delicious.

The Three Bite Rule - Honey Mustard Lettuce Wraps

I gave Tomato Basil Chicken a refresh from the dark ages of 2015. This time it was grilled and got a drizzle of balsamic reduction.

September will be a flourish of activity. Kindergarten & 3rd grade (!!), both kids are playing soccer, and back to more time in the office. I’m kind of already mourning our normal dinner routine and timing. It’ll take some adjusting. I’m going to pull together some weeknight meal head-starts, a fun breakfast recipe, and an app.

https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/3f9su2xlzps The Big Kid: 
He was a bit sad for summer camps to be over. We have some fun before school starts but this kid loves a routine. We saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and loved it. I think he caught 1,000 hermit crabs during our week at the beach. His class next year is packed with friends so he’s ready for 3rd grade.

https://www.inaxorio.com/wvd9x9a11 The Little One: 
She’s 5! A whole hand! She was our little fish at the beach. Kindergarten starts soon and soccer! I’m coaching her team – wish us luck! She’s more than ready to be done at daycare (she isn’t impressed with nap time there) and cannot wait to ride the bus. It has been a lot to juggle in her head of what is happening what days so I’m ready for her to read/follow a calendar better.

https://autismwish.org/81xbvdcig Goals:
https://brako.com/en/x3xotwd3hto Year of workwear! I got some tan wedge sandals to dress up summer work clothes.
https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/91prl00gi Salads or side-dishes: 
Order Tramadol Florida prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: Ehh. I’d better get back to this before Sept hits. I blame it on defrosting our big freezer so now I can restock.  
https://geneticsandfertility.com/dtuarbb Monthly dates: We went to dinner in Back Bay at Lucie.
click here Declutter/cleaning: I’ve been on top of pulling out stuff they’ve outgrown or never choose. I’ll count it as a yes.
Order Tramadol Overnight Uk Workouts as a routine: Yes! I’m medium on these video workouts so I’m giving them a chance but will skip some and move on quickly-ish.
Order Tramadol Florida What I’m reading: I read Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo and her first adult novel was fantastic and packed full of dynamic women. I read Best of Friends which had unique characters. Book club’s book was The Paper Palace and did not love. I didn’t connect at all. I also read Park Avenue Summer about NYC and Cosmo in the mid 60s – it was pretty good.

July Recap 2023

Wrapping up July has me feeling like time is flying by. Our vacation is August so there’s a lot to look forward to but I’m here wanting to fit in all the summery things before time gets away from me. That also has me tired yet antsy. With work having a fiscal year ending June 30th, I don’t feel like it is summer until July 1 so time’s ticking!

In July we had a beach day and went to some town events and dog sat! I was at a conference, went to the Red Sox, and went out with friends. 

I made a chopped BLT sandwich which was so so good. I plan to repeat as an Italian sub or maybe caprese. 

The Three Bite Rule - Chopped BLT Sandwich

I made a Lemon Dijon Pasta Salad to feel ohh-so-summery. 

The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Dijon Pasta Salad

Breakfast Crunchwraps were the most exciting thing to come out of the kitchen! (Shhh! You can always form as a burrito or quesadilla if the folding throws you off!)

The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Crunchwrap

Order Tramadol American Express The Big Kid: 
He has been loving camps. They’re all repeats from last year and he’s had friends there! Packing lunches is 90% easier this year. I love seeing him endlessly jump into the pool and his swimming strokes are looking great! He is always wanting very specific coloring sheets and is very into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  

https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/gyovev53 The Little One: 
She looooves swim lessons and is really proud of herself. Her interest and willingness is what we want. Her birthday is so soon – she has a lot of ideas for themes for this family party…mermaids, wearing her Elsa dress, unicorns and she may have spouted ideas to others.

Next month will include a week at the beach, C’s birthday, more time at the pool, and as much fun as we can pack in!

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/r2xfwx3n7i Year of workwear! I used some store credit to get 2 tops.
https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/n54zxlsl Salads or side-dishes: Pasta Salad seems like a side! I had it as lunch, but there are no rules!
go here prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I’ve not been on top of this but need to. 
https://geneticsandfertility.com/2xexluu Monthly dates: We fit in 2! We went to El Centro and Myers & Chang!
follow site Declutter/cleaning: umm, I don’t think I really did.
https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/u8wa4pur Workouts as a routine: Yes! I’m doing one that has good workouts but I like the down out the leader with my own playlists.
https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/p81m5utg45 What I’m reading: I read I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy for bookclub and we had a lot to talk about. I read Every Summer After and think it was overhyped. Vera Wong’s unsolicited Advice for Murders was kind of fun – the food references and the elderly main character. I thought The Admissions was going to be very different so being so-so on it was prob my own expectations.

June 2023 Recap

Making it to July always feels like such a win. Just surviving June having my end of the fiscal year, all. the. elementary school festivities., and everything else is definitely survival mode. July 1 is so so close! We wisened up and chose this week for camp – I couldn’t have the busiest week of work and be useful in decisions for where/when/what he’d do otherwise.

I kicked off the month with a girls weekend that was everything I needed. It was perfect to set up this full month. We celebrated Mr J’s birthday and father’s day and fit in lots of very spring-feeling things.

In the kitchen, I was most psyched about this Chicken Caesar Salad Burger! It is such a winner.

The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Caesar Salad Burgers

I also made a cocktail – Pineapple Mojitos with mint, pineapple simple syrup and rum.

Pineapple Mojito - The Three Bite Rule

We had peach pecan waffles which were so so good. It was too early for fresh peaches but the canned peaches also give you that flavorful syrup to go into the waffle mix. You can thank me later.

The Three Bite Rule - Peach Pecan Waffles

Order Tramadol Cod Saturday Delivery The big kid:
He (and Mr J) wrapped up a fun baseball season. Nobody is more bipartisan than the parents at a playoff game who are happy to watch but also happy for the opposing team to keep having more games. He loved the end of year family picnic, field day, all the theme days, and our last day of school party. We had 35 kiddos, 20 parents, and had a great time. He loves a routine which is less of a norm in the summer, but camps are repeats this year so that’ll be good. I cannot believe 2nd grade is done. His teacher was so impressive and I love the friendships he developed.

here The little one:
She’s about to start swim lessons and she seems excited! We’re ready for more sunny weekends! She had a daycare “graduation” which was adorable but also she’ll keep going all summer so it could have just been a party for the sake of a party. She seems so big now. There are more and more things she does independently and she cannot wait for kindergarten.

https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/6xvf03mih Goals:
go Year of workwear! I added some pants that are not exciting, but necessary.
source site Salads or side-dishes: We had salad bar one night, does that count?
https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/dn3ia70 prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I had some tomato/mozzarella/arugula sandwiches with balsamic aioli that made for a delicious but mindless-to-pack lunch.
go here Monthly dates: Ehh, this didn’t fit in.
https://autismwish.org/ug7j7gmkug4 Declutter/cleaning: I handed over a big bag of hand me downs that will be too warm for our always hot guy.
go to site Workouts as a routine: Yes! I went from one to another one that has too much jump roping but I’m doing it.
What I’m reading: I read Vacationland by Meg Mitchell Moore and liked it for so many points of view in a family/town in Maine. Then I read Bad Mormon by Heather Gay which was pretty good – I don’t know her from Real Housewives of Salt Late City, but imagine readers would be more into it who do. I just finished The Summer Job by Lizzie Dent and was really into it. It is more wine/hotel/hospitality and less summer vibes but that’s fine with me.

May Recap 2023

May is full – we come to life when spring is here. We’re back full-swing into baseball (see what I did there?) and we were kept on our toes for our first dance recital (haha, I can’t stop!).

In the kitchen, I was obsessed with these taco beans and they’ll be on repeat for sure.

The Three Bite Rule - Taco Beans

I made a dairy-free lasagna because I’ve somehow become the go-to person for recipes accommodating dietary restrictions for my volunteerism at Lasagna Love and this option is so cheap and easy without unfamiliar ingredients.

The Three Bite Rule - Dairy-free Lasagna

We went with lots of toppings on Sesame Noodle Bowls as a new way to see pulled pork.

Sesame Noodle Bowls - The Three Bite Rule

Again with the beans, what can I say…these Greek Beans were a fun dish and good alternative to a lettuce-based salad.

The Three Bite Rule - Greek Bean Salad

I have been thrilled to have comfortable weather and get outside more. Work has been very busy with reunion. We got to see Thomas’ art at the school art show. I wish some of these cool school events fell in March or April too. There’s a culture night, fun run, parent-teacher conferences, a book fair, and so many end of the year festivities. I’m off for a girls weekend and cannot wait. June will bring a special birthday burger!

The big kid:
He had a field trip (and did not get carsick…winning!), and several more birthday parties, and baseball. He took an after school class for building with all different materials. He’s thoroughly into Plants versus Zombies. He followed along with NBA playoffs and it really makes me love the juxtaposition of imaginary play seeming so cute and little with a mature knowledge of pro basketball player names.

The little one:
Her dance recital was so cute! She loved the rehearsal and did so great. Then the recital night came and she was so worried – tears! – and I was shocked. We watched the video clips I had from the night before, talked about what it would be like, and made a plan that we’d get ready and go but if she decided not to do it, we’d just clap for her class. She was all set when we got there. They were very long nights, but she loved it and wears the ballet costume regularly. The tap one was tight and harder to get on so we haven’t played in that one.

Year of workwear! I got a 3/4 length sleeve shirt which helps bridge the spring workwear gap. Working all weekend for Reunion at work was a good reminder of what other clothes I’m looking for!
Salads or side-dishes: Greek bean salad!
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I made some savory waffles and they’re one of my fav on-the-go breakfasts. During a busy week at work I had quiche ready which was so helpful.
Monthly dates: We didn’t really make this happen.
Declutter/cleaning: I bagged up lots of tiny 18 month shorts and 2T swimsuits.
Workouts as a routine: Yes! I did a Sweat & Sculpt series that has been great.
What I’m reading: I read Coronation Year which was only ok, especially after how amazing I thought her book ‘The Gown’ was. I enjoyed a memoir Fatty Fatty Boom Boom by Rabia Chaudry. The best one I read was The Measure by Nikki Erlick.

April 2023 Recap

April was such a whirlwind. We had the upstairs floors refinished then we got reset and back to normal and the main floor is happening this very minute. It is like moving! School vacation was fun and we are so glad for more outside time. Baseball started back up and Easter was a very nice day.

In the kitchen, I did a month of Chicken, Bacon, Ranch!

I loaded some fries with chicken, bacon, and ranch with cheddar and queso. They were so good!

The Three Bite Rule - Chicken, Bacon, Ranch Loaded Fries
Chicken, bacon & ranch loaded fries

I made a grilled chicken sandwich with bacon and ranch. I loved it and would definitely repeat or it doesn’t have to be a sandwich.

The Three Bite Rule - Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Ranch Sandwich
Grilled chicken bacon ranch sandwiches

It started with a pickle & ranch salad. I had it loaded with pickle flavor inspired by a salad kit, but the kids were happy for salad and ranch, minus pickles.

The Three Bite Rule - Pickle Salad
Dill Pickle Ranch Salad

May will bring a dance recital, reunion weekend at work, and some fun stuff – maybe ask me again when the floor-refinishing is done. I’m envisioning some quick or packable meals for the baseball sidelines.

The big kid:
So many birthday parties – almost all at the trampoline place. He loved the school vacation break with some fun days and other days to just be home. Baseball started back up and they’re more coordinated than last year. He’s been less bothered by a meal that isn’t something he’d vote for which has been my goal all along but if it were up to him, it’d be pasta every night. I think he’s just usually hungry at the moment so maybe that makes him more flexible than in the winter.

The little one:
She had some fear-of-missing-out when it came time on Sunday mornings to get ready for dance class. We re-strategized and it went much more smoothly. I’m seeing her take on some spice – she knew that one of the cheese-of-the-month was spicy (it was sriracha gouda) and she kept eating it on multiple occasions. She’s too funny. She loved gnocchi and was more into hot-dogs than I remember from last year.

Year of workwear! I tried some dresses but think they’re both going back.  
Salads or side-dishes: Pickle salad!
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: being out of our space and normal routines has meant some regular occurrences and some spontaneity
Monthly dates: With all the sleepovers during floor refinishing and us each having a doozy of a cold, we didn’t add it anything else.
Declutter/cleaning: As we move all the stuff off the floors, we’ve cleaned, gotten rid of a good amount.
Workouts as a routine: Ehh. I did a few quick runs but got derailed with a cold that went through most of us.
What I’m reading: I read a lot! I muscled through this memoir – (it might be better as audio) Unfollow: A Journey from Hatred to Hope. Then I read The House in the Cerulean Sea, which was from a blind-book-swap with bookclub. I never read fantasy and ended up being really into it. I always love Taylor Jenkins Reid and I breezed through Carrie Soto is Back. Rock, Paper, Scissors was a quick suspense one I liked but absolutely don’t endorse being a movie/mini-series.

March 2023 Recap

I made tortellini in honey garlic sauce and thought the pairing of ham and honey was spot-on. We love that sauce on pizza, turkey sandwiches, burgers, on broccoli, or anything!

Tortellini in Honey Garlic Sauce with Ham - The Three Bite Rule

We shook up the smoothie game with a redo of Creamsicle Smoothie. We, as in, the little girl and I are the only consistent smoothie drinkers here. The key is to add some other fruit beyond just oranges – it neeeeds frozen peaches or frozen mango.

Creamsicle Smoothie Redo - The Three Bite Rule
Creamsicle Smoothie

Then I made a Cheeseburger Burrito and it was perfect. I loved the crumbled burger with a little rice and all the burger fixings. I loved it an plan to whip up a few for a night that needs dinner in-advance or on the go. It seems fitting for a baseball night this season. I wouldn’t freeze these but they could be assembled and popped into the toaster oven or to a pan when it was time.

Cheeseburger Burrito - The Three Bite Rule

The big kid:
It is prime birthday party time for his school-friends. We are seeing ohh-so-many, almost all are at the trampoline park. He loves going and I’m enjoying it for him, especially for this time of the whole class, or all the boys, etc. My strategy is a go-to present we give everyone unless he has an idea and they’re super close. He’s into Mario Kart and always legos. Baseball starts soon!

The little one:
One afternoon when big-brother was at a birthday party, we found our own excitement with a teddy bear tea party at the library and it was adorable. They had gold-rimmed paper plates and paper cups with handles and matching saucers and tiny spoons. It was very fancy and she loved it. She’s still always coloring and very into magnatiles.

Next month will feel full with Easter, school vacation, we’re getting our floors refinished (which means totally cleared off and a few days before we can walk on them again!), and of course some birthday parties. I’ve planned a few fun foods for April! 

Year of workwear! I tried a new brand for some short-sleeves which might be a tiny bit premature season-wise, but I have them. 
Salads or side-dishes: not really.
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I haven’t been great about this – I need to get back to it.
Monthly dates: we didn’t. booo. I had to reschedule one and couldn’t get another Saturday until May!
Declutter/cleaning: This is prime time to clear some stuff out before we get our floors refinished. I handed over a few baby-ish toys and expect to really get some stuff out. 
Workouts as a routine: I’ve gone on a few runs and am doing one a mix of weight days with yoga days – though I’m at a solid 2 out of the 3 yoga ones they think I’ll be doing per week.
What I’m reading: My bookclub read And Then There Were None as our classic – it was pretty ok. I read The People We Keep and found it to be the best coming-of-age story I’ve read in awhile. I read It Ends With Us and sort of got the hype, but wasn’t blown away. I can’t quite picture the next one. I also read The Personal Librarian and hadn’t had a historical fiction in awhile.

February 2023 Recap

February was full with school vacation, C started dance classes, some new things like the guys getting to see the cousins play basketball, superbowl snacks and (finally) snow.

I made a black bean soup that is so easy, and so filling. I was into it and think the toppings make it really fun. The kids were so-so. Serve with quesadillas for something for everyone. It reheats well which reminds me I should make it again and pack it for my work lunches.

The Three Bite Rule - Black Bean Soup
Easy Black Bean Soup

These Chicken & Broccoli Lasagna Rolls were a test which turned out great! They use very little chicken and very little broccoli so they’re a good one to have in mind for leftover uses.

The Three Bite Rule - Chicken and Broccoli Lasagna Rolls
Chicken & Broccoli Lasagna Rolls

Cute little Cheeseburger Hash Brown Cups were a Superbowl snack. They didn’t stay together perfectly, but I think with a little more care in the cup formation (or a more traditional size cup) would help with that.

The Three Bite Rule - Cheeseburger Hashbrown Cups

I put chicken INTO waffles and loved it. Add some arugula for a fresh bite and a drizzle of maple aioli and you’ll be in love too.

The Three Bite Rule - Chicken in Waffles
Chicken IN Waffles made easy with maple aioli & arugula

March brings my birthday! I have a few old posts I hope to re-do sometime and I’m imagining we’ll fit in some more wintry foods. We did a little getaway to Providence during school vacation and it was so so fun. The kids did great and it is so much easier now that they can sit at restaurants and don’t need strollers/pack & plays/etc. They had never stayed at a hotel before.

The big kid:
I love his friendships. It is very heartwarming to see other parents glad to see him. I took him to my work to see Fencing and he was as enthralled with the swards as I imagined. He was glad for snow and loves sledding. He had some fun days for vacation with the grandparents and getting time for a few movie nights.

The little one:
She is so psyched for dance. Her fav game is using the stairs to pretend she’s getting on the school bus. It is fun for her but she wants to play all. the. time. so it feels repetitive for me. I can’t wait to see her actually go to kindergarten.

Year of workwear! I got shoes this time!
Salads or side-dishes: We had salad bar, though I really need to get on some interesting sides.
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: the lasagna rolls were mostly for lunches.
Monthly dates: We went out for Valentine’s Day with last-minute reservations.
Declutter/cleaning: We loaded some textiles to donate – clothes that are unusable for others.
Workouts as a routine: I wrapped up one and started a new one that’s harder and a mix of weight days with yoga days.
What I’m reading: I finished A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder which was a cute perspective of a high-schooler reexamining a cold case, Beautiful Country which was a powerful story of an immigrant family and I loved the window of life, rather than the entirety, depicted in the story. I read Don’t Cry for Me and was very moved. I just finished The Magnificent Life of Marjorie Post and thought it was like Evelyn Hugo + historical context. I need to get hopping on my bookclub one!

January 2023 Recap

I enjoy January for the freshness and re-set since I don’t get a post-holiday letdown I know others feel. Once the holidays pass I love to usher in the snowy decor and prep for our guy’s birthday!

This is the ultimate breakfast sandwich is on Texas toast with maple bacon aioli and gooey cheese.

Treats don’t have to end come January so we had some Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies.

As the only mushroom-eater, I made these Forager Flatbreads as lunch.

The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread

We had fun going to the pool and ice skating and we definitely are awaiting real snow. We are outside less and wishing for more daylight. I’m very over the colds we seem to pass along. I love the snacks of the superbowl ahead and maybe we’ll create some pink Valentine’s day dessert.

The Little Girl:
She’s still in her Elsa dress daily. She builds magnatiles and colors non-stop. We are very into the books that read-aloud themselves from the library. I’m so impressed with how well she can use scissors. She cannot wait for kindergarten and riding the bus.

The Big Guy:
His birthday was so fun. We had a family dinner party and he had some friends meet him at the trampoline park. I love seeing his friendships blossom. Of course we had pasta and caesar salad. He is very into How to Train your Dragon and transformers. He’s taking an Animals around the World class after school and he’ll play baseball in the spring. He’s interested in the football playoffs and superbowl.

Year of workwear! I got a few shells for under blazers or cardigans
Salads or side-dishes: Hmm.
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: this makes getting to the office so much easier. I made some chickpea/tomato/cucumber/feta bowls with hummus and pita.
Monthly dates: We didn’t make this happen, but will.
Declutter/cleaning: I passed along all the pjs that the big guy is always be too hot for!
Workouts as a routine: ehh. Too many days of colds meant this didn’t happen regularly.
What I’m reading: I read The Nineties which was interesting but felt like I’d already read it. Bookclub read The Ten Thousand Doors of January which wasn’t for me.