Forager Flatbread 0

source site This many-cheese flatbread is quick to put together with lots of customization options. It is kind of a brown meal, but, it is so so good. There’s a butter + parmesan + garlic spread, mozzarella, ricotta, mushrooms and honey drizzle. The earthy mushrooms and honey are such a great combo. Mushrooms not your jam? Italian sausage and honey would be a great combo too for a sweet and savory mix!

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The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread

follow link here Forager Flatbread click Ingredients: (for 2) 1 pint mushrooms source link 2 flatbreads (I used naan) 2 tablespoons butter Tramadol To Buy Cheap 1 garlic clove, minced Tramadol Sale Online 1 teaspoon parmesan go site 1 teaspoon cream or half & half 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella 2 tablespoons ricotta watch 1/4 cup fresh mozzarella balls Order Tramadol Online India 1-2 teaspoons honey enter site pinch of oregano
The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread go to site Directions: Pan fry the mushrooms in some butter and olive oil to get them a bit caramelized around the edges.
Preheat the oven to 400-degrees.
Mix together the butter, parmesan and minced garlic then stir in just a drizzle of cream, adding more if needed.
Assemble the flatbreads by spreading the butter/garlic sauce onto the naan and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
Top with shredded mozzarella, dots of ricotta, some mozzarella balls, and mushrooms.
The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread

source url Cook for 5-10 minutes (10 will be crispy edges, 5 will be warm and soft).
The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread

Buy Cheap Tramadol Overnight Drizzle with honey and sprinkle on some oregano.
The Three Bite Rule - Forager Flatbread I looooved this. It is quite a brown meal and I almost added arugula. The mix of cheeses and the mushrooms with sweet honey is delightful. I’m the only mushroom eater at home so these were lunch and I was very happy. It reheats fine (top with honey just before serving), but is definitely best fresh.

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