Butternut Iced Coffee is craveable and makes a home iced coffee feel very special. Continue reading
Butternut Iced Coffee is craveable and makes a home iced coffee feel very special. Continue reading
Taco Spiced Deviled Eggs are so good they deserved a little refresh. Continue reading
Benedict-esque but sub chorizo for ham, and queso for hollandaise for a little spice to liven brunch up. Continue reading
Howwww is summer over? I cannot believe how quickly it went! Now is is the last bits of summer and getting ready for fall. August was fun with a beach vacation and lots of time at the pool, and with friends.
These deviled eggs with BBQ sauce, corn, & crispy onions were so summery. Make some for labor day and they’ll be gone quickly!
Grilled Peach & Ricotta Toasts could be breakfast, lunch, or an app.
I made lettuce wraps with honey mustard chicken and thought they were so fun. The kids were medium on it but in hindsight one said that was “sooo good”. The next day I used some leftovers to make caesar salad ones with parmesan. They were also delicious.
I gave Tomato Basil Chicken a refresh from the dark ages of 2015. This time it was grilled and got a drizzle of balsamic reduction.
September will be a flourish of activity. Kindergarten & 3rd grade (!!), both kids are playing soccer, and back to more time in the office. I’m kind of already mourning our normal dinner routine and timing. It’ll take some adjusting. I’m going to pull together some weeknight meal head-starts, a fun breakfast recipe, and an app.
The Big Kid:
He was a bit sad for summer camps to be over. We have some fun before school starts but this kid loves a routine. We saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and loved it. I think he caught 1,000 hermit crabs during our week at the beach. His class next year is packed with friends so he’s ready for 3rd grade.
The Little One:
She’s 5! A whole hand! She was our little fish at the beach. Kindergarten starts soon and soccer! I’m coaching her team – wish us luck! She’s more than ready to be done at daycare (she isn’t impressed with nap time there) and cannot wait to ride the bus. It has been a lot to juggle in her head of what is happening what days so I’m ready for her to read/follow a calendar better.
Year of workwear! I got some tan wedge sandals to dress up summer work clothes.
Salads or side-dishes:
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: Ehh. I’d better get back to this before Sept hits. I blame it on defrosting our big freezer so now I can restock.
Monthly dates: We went to dinner in Back Bay at Lucie.
Declutter/cleaning: I’ve been on top of pulling out stuff they’ve outgrown or never choose. I’ll count it as a yes.
Workouts as a routine: Yes! I’m medium on these video workouts so I’m giving them a chance but will skip some and move on quickly-ish.
What I’m reading: I read Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo and her first adult novel was fantastic and packed full of dynamic women. I read Best of Friends which had unique characters. Book club’s book was The Paper Palace and did not love. I didn’t connect at all. I also read Park Avenue Summer about NYC and Cosmo in the mid 60s – it was pretty good.
Honey Mustard Chicken with a pickle & tomato topping in lettuce wraps were a quick dinner after a lot of pool time. Continue reading
Grilled peaches pair so well with ricotta and there are lots of ways to customize this one! Continue reading
{originally published in 2015 and updated in 2023}When I originally made this, I breaded the chicken and this time around I wanted to update it with grilled chicken. I served it over pasta (these kids love love love pasta) and … Continue reading
These deviled eggs are summer in a bite with BBQ sauce, corn off the cob, and crunchy onions. Normally I’d think of them in the app category but we ate them beside the pool one hot night as a dinner … Continue reading
Wrapping up July has me feeling like time is flying by. Our vacation is August so there’s a lot to look forward to but I’m here wanting to fit in all the summery things before time gets away from me. That also has me tired yet antsy. With work having a fiscal year ending June 30th, I don’t feel like it is summer until July 1 so time’s ticking!
In July we had a beach day and went to some town events and dog sat! I was at a conference, went to the Red Sox, and went out with friends.
I made a chopped BLT sandwich which was so so good. I plan to repeat as an Italian sub or maybe caprese.
I made a Lemon Dijon Pasta Salad to feel ohh-so-summery.
Breakfast Crunchwraps were the most exciting thing to come out of the kitchen! (Shhh! You can always form as a burrito or quesadilla if the folding throws you off!)
The Big Kid:
He has been loving camps. They’re all repeats from last year and he’s had friends there! Packing lunches is 90% easier this year. I love seeing him endlessly jump into the pool and his swimming strokes are looking great! He is always wanting very specific coloring sheets and is very into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The Little One:
She looooves swim lessons and is really proud of herself. Her interest and willingness is what we want. Her birthday is so soon – she has a lot of ideas for themes for this family party…mermaids, wearing her Elsa dress, unicorns and she may have spouted ideas to others.
Next month will include a week at the beach, C’s birthday, more time at the pool, and as much fun as we can pack in!
Year of workwear! I used some store credit to get 2 tops.
Salads or side-dishes: Pasta Salad seems like a side! I had it as lunch, but there are no rules!
prep ahead bfasts or lunches for weekdays: I’ve not been on top of this but need to.
Monthly dates: We fit in 2! We went to El Centro and Myers & Chang!
Declutter/cleaning: umm, I don’t think I really did.
Workouts as a routine: Yes! I’m doing one that has good workouts but I like the down out the leader with my own playlists.
What I’m reading: I read I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy for bookclub and we had a lot to talk about. I read Every Summer After and think it was overhyped. Vera Wong’s unsolicited Advice for Murders was kind of fun – the food references and the elderly main character. I thought The Admissions was going to be very different so being so-so on it was prob my own expectations.
Crunchwraps are so fun and this time they got a breakfast twist with eggs, bacon, cheese, and dorritos for the crunch! Continue reading