Uses for all the Hard Boiled Eggs from Easter

If you have a whole bunch of dyed eggs around, here are my fav uses for any hard boiled eggs! I eat them plain as a snack, or egg salad, but that may only take you so far. I’ve actually dyed un-boiled eggs when I wanted to play with the color but not have a dozen hard boiled eggs around. That was without a toddler!

1) Use hard boiled eggs for all the deviled eggs!
They are such a hit at a party…often vegetarian (I made my bacon ones obvious by topping them with bacon so there weren’t surprises), often dairy-free, often gluten free…depending on the variety! They’re a small bite without silverware and don’t require reheating! Make just a few and serve them with dinner or lunch at home. You don’t even have to wait for a party! Are you surprised I have more variation ideas I just haven’t made yet??
Sour Cream & Onion Deviled Eggs
Bacon Ranch Deviled Eggs
Taco Spiced Deviled Eggs
Greek Deviled Eggs
Caesar Deviled Eggs
French Onion Deviled Eggs

The Three Bite Rule - Greek Deviled Egg

2) Use hard boiled eggs for the to-go option where you might have another egg!

Breakfast Risotto I made had white cheddar, bacon, everything bagel seasoning and was served with an egg for the runny yolk. When I packed leftovers for work, I heated the risotto and chopped a cold hard boiled egg to go on top just before eating (with extra everything bagel seasoning).
The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Risotto
Avo & Egg Toast with Everything Bagel Seasoning would speed up immensely if the egg was a chopped hard boiled one!

3) Use hard boiled eggs to amp up the protein on a veggie side dish!

Caesar Asparagus was a springy feeling side that was just so easy: roasted asparagus, MYO caesar dressing, and top with some hard boiled eggs and plenty of salt & pepper!
The Three Bite Rule - Caesar Asparagus

4) Use hard boiled eggs for Cobb Salad themed anything! 
I made a cobb salad inspired burger. I’ve made a Cobb Salad Dip! Make a cobb salad chicken sandwich! Make it a regular cobb salad! Make it a cobb salad crostini appetizer! Bacon, chicken/turkey, eggs, lettuce/cucumbers/tomato, and blue cheese is always a welcome combo!
The Three Bite Rule - Cobb Salad Burger

5) Use hard boiled eggs for topping on a breakfast pizza!
This breakfast pizza from back in the day had cream cheese with chives spread onto the crust then topped with shredded cheddar, breakfast sausage, hard boiled eggs, and everything bagel seasoning. This is the foolproof way to do eggs on breakfast pizza if you are cooking for a crowd and don’t want to test the baking time needed for an egg cracked onto a pizza!
The Three Bite Rule - Breakfast Flatbread

March 2018 Recap

Wooo! March wrapping up makes me think spring must be coming. Right? I’m pretty over the snow and I’m itching for local produce. Our chives are peeping through so let’s go! My birthday month was fun, and delicious. I redeemed a free birthday sundae just in time even though it hardly felt like ice cream weather! I’m excited for a quick Easter trip to Maine. Stay tuned for a post I prepped for your Easter leftover uses…you might need it!

My fav this month was this sausage burger with peppers and mustard. The pretzel bun makes it.
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger
I made a 15 minute, 5 ingredient flatbread with pesto and roasted tomatoes.
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread
Everything Bagel seasoning is sold in stores…or maybe just Trader Joe’s, but I make my own. I sprinkled it onto over easy eggs. Day. Made.
The Three Bite Rule - Everything Bagel Seasoning

The Little One:

He’s seeming so big! Sometimes listening the first time isn’t happening, but we’re working on it. He’s still eating pretty much anything. He loved a take on these Peanut Noodles with Purple Cabbage & Edamame. Gnocchi has been a hit. We’re loving a few minutes to play outside when we get home. I’ve been totally on the dinner-prep-in-advance game so we can get out just for a few minutes. We have done a lot of play-doh and magna-tiles this month and boots crunching in the snow is his fav. We all built a snowman together during the last big storm and check on the melting process regularly. He got to spend a sleepover into a snow-day at the grandparents’ house so that was pretty exciting. We got a new kitchen table and chairs so we swapped him out of the high chair and into a booster on a real chair. Life in the crib is going strong 😉

This year’s goals: 

Year of the candle: This Salted Grapefruit one is so amazing!  I saved another birthday one for April. Stay tuned! 
Cook more appetizers/snacks: 
I whipped up just a few French Onion Deviled Eggs. Yum! 
Taking time to blog thoughtfully:
this speedy Pesto Flatbread was a chance to take-over the train table for some natural light.
Journal the cute moments of my little one: I realized jotting them into my phone was handier and getting them into the cute journal later is the way to go. He was adorably mystified when we lost power for a half hour. 
What I’m reading: 
 Ordinary Grace was so-so, and I’m onto my next. 
What I’m watching: 
American Crime Story Gianni Versace was fascinating, though the timeline was confusing. Project Runway All-stars is wrapping up soon and I’ve loved this bunch of designers.

Lemon Crinkle Cookies

I’m not hosting Easter so I figured I’d bring a little dessert and these cookies could not be easier. Seriously, I’m no baker so the cheat is cake mix. I made the same with red velvet mix that are always such a hit and I was thinking this would be a fun variation. Since I don’t bake often, I like that the dough is always the same instead of my butter temperature vastly impacting the texture like in some doughs!

The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Crinkle Cookies

Lemon Crinkle Cookies (makes ~24 cookies)


1 box lemon cake mix
2 tablespoons of flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla (or lemon) extract
1/4 cup powdered sugar


Preheat the oven to 350-degrees.
Mix the cake mix, flour, eggs, oil, and extract with a stand or hand mixer until well combined.
The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Crinkle Cookies
Take heaping tablespoons of dough and roll into balls then roll in the powdered sugar.
The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Crinkle Cookies
Place onto a baking sheet ~2 inches apart.
Bake 9 minutes and let sit 1 minute out of oven, then cool on a cooling rack.
The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Crinkle Cookies

I love how soft and lightly flavored these are! The lemon flavor would really be amped up with lemon extract (I used vanilla) and lemon zest but I took the seriously easy route. Also a box makes ~24 cookies so it is just 2 pans into the oven. I set 2 timers and didn’t leave anything to chance.

The Three Bite Rule - Lemon Crinkle Cookies

Pesto Flatbread in 15 minutes

I don’t know if there’s a legit definition or distinction between what constitutes a pizza versus a flatbread. To me, I use flatbread means fewer toppings, it might not have a sauce, or is on a puffy dough/crust. This flatbread has only a few ingredients and is on naan to be the crust. It also comes together in no time at all, but that’s just a bonus. Get ready, this recipe even will track the time for you!
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread

~1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes
2 naan
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
3 tablespoons pesto

Preheat the oven to 400-degrees.
First 5 minutes: roast the tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper in the oven for 5 minutes. They should burst and be juicy.
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread
Pop the naan into the oven for a few minutes too…maybe 3 minutes to warm through and begin to toast.
Take the naan out and spread with tomato sauce onto them, then top with shredded mozzarella and dollops of pesto.
Add the tomatoes on top. (you’re at about 7 minutes in at this point…we’re timing here!)
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread
Return to the oven for 5-7 minutes to melt the cheese, warm the pesto, and ensure the naan has crisped a bit….this brings you to ~14/15 minutes!
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread
Serve and enjoy!

I didn’t count your oven preheating time, but depending how crunchy you want the naan to be, or not to be, then there you have it, 15 minutes! Mine took longer for a few photo ops, and I’ll pop it into the toaster oven for lunch-time reheating, but it was a fantastic reminder how just a few ingredients can make really great food. I whipped 2 of these up to pack for lunch for work but I’d definitely eat them for dinner or as an app for a party!
The Three Bite Rule - Pesto Flatbread

If it isn’t snowing where you are (#overit) “roast” the tomatoes on the grill in a cast iron pan and grill these flatbreads! I had some jarred pesto, but I love this roasted kale pesto I’ve made before if you want to use that! Another alternative is to spread pesto all over instead of tomato sauce and just have tomatoes be the topping!

Everything Bagel Seasoning

I looooove everything bagels and am so glad Everything Bagel Seasoning is having a moment. I make it myself so I can have some for a few servings, or make a bunch to have around. It is so easy and customizable – go heavier on the flavors you like best! I use it on eggs, rice, toast, and anything breakfast! Just the other day I made a breakfast sandwich on an croissant with eggs, cheese, tomato, and sprinkled some everything bagel seasoning. SO good.

The Three Bite Rule - Everything Bagel Seasoning

Everything Bagel Seasoning

Ingredients (for ~2 tablespoons of seasoning):

1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 teaspoon dried minced onion
1 teaspoon dried fennel seeds (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder


Add everything into a small dry skillet over medium-low heat.
The Three Bite Rule - Everything Bagel Seasoning
Cook for 2-4 minutes, stirring regularly to ensure nothing burns.
Let cool and enjoy!

I like a mostly even ratio for the poppy/sesame/onion/fennel and half ratio for the salt/pepper/garlic powder. The toasty flavor is 100% necessary. The crunch it adds is also unparalleled.

Everything Bagel Seasoning is so breakfast, but is an ideal combo for anything. I’d totally top popcorn with it too! The dried minced onion & sesame seeds are what I keep an eye on in the pan to ensure nothing burns.

The Three Bite Rule - Everything Bagel Seasoning
This seasoning MADE this breakfast-inspired risotto and it took avocado toast with a poached egg to a whole other level.

Packing Lunch

I had a really awesome perk of lunch provided at my last job so I’ve re-entered the lunch packing world in this new role. Plus, the little one eats more and more for lunch now so here’s a round up of our favs. My lunches always seem to be some-assembly-required. I need more ideas. What am I missing?

For me:
leftovers- especially my beloved rice bowls that are sometimes paired down when in lunch form.

Mexican-ish lunches- rice, corn, salsa, half an avocado, quesadillas are always things I look forward to mid-day. Trader Joe’s tamales & 60-second grain packs make easy-to-pack lunches.

I’ve stashed these soups as a handy back up and then pack up hummus & crackers, a biscuit, etc.

Quiche is pretty handy for a few days worth. I haven’t made one in a while, but need to!
The Three Bite Rule - Mushroom & Sun Dried Tomato Quiche

Discovering a toaster oven in another office kitchenette was game changing for a quesadilla, panini, individual pizza etc. The key is foil since who knows what others have warmed up!

For the three-year-old:
We found these Bento-ish boxes on Amazon that have made packing lunch easier. He eats it all cold so it all gets packed together. We were surprised & impressed by the quality.

He often has leftovers of a few things…quite similar to his dinner plate.
Bahn Mi Bowl - The Three Bite Rule
Sandwiches of salami/turkey or cream cheese & jelly or pita with hummus or a quesadilla. Or a bunch of things maybe some leftovers, some beans, with a cheese stick or yogurt put into a pouch

Plus a veg like tomato/carrots/tomato/edamame/broccoli and fruit like apples/strawberries/blueberries/clementines etc.

He can’t have peanut butter so that is his lunch of choice on the weekends at home. Wednesday is Pizza Day at daycare and is a wonderful mid-week break from packing up.

Mr. J is on his own for lunch but has his own pizza-day from his fav food truck.

What are go-to lunches for you or for a little one? 

Cuban Sliders

Cuban sliders were the perfect answer to some leftover pulled pork! This was leftover from the new Blue Ribbon BBQ location near our house for my birthday! It was so good with BBQ sauce but for leftover pork, transforming it is the best. Pork is just too easy to do that with! Some went into quesadillas, some have become tacos in the past, on pizza, in a panini, and the list goes on.
The Three Bite Rule - Cuban Sliders

Cuban Sliders


~1 cup pulled pork
2 slider rolls
1/2 cup shredded swiss cheese
~6-8 pickle chips
3 tablespoons yellow mustard (I mixed yellow mustard and & sweet golden mustard BBQ sauce)
(sliced ham would make this a true cuban)


Preheat the oven to 375-degrees. Warm the pork through.
Slice the buns, spread mustard onto the top and bottom. Layer the pickles then the pork onto the rolls.
The Three Bite Rule - Cuban Sliders
Sprinkle the cheese on and pop them into the oven for ~5 minutes until the cheese melts.
The Three Bite Rule - Cuban Sliders
Serve and enjoy!
The Three Bite Rule - Cuban Sliders
These were so good! The mustard and pickles took it from barbecue to a Cuban sandwich. These would be fun cut into smaller pieces if using bigger, oblong rolls as an appetizer.

French Onion Deviled Eggs

I just have too many variations to save them for gatherings so these were a mini batch for a weekend snack. That’s the beauty of deviled eggs- make a little or a lot! Seriously, I made 2 eggs, so 4 halves. These babies were packed with flavor…so much so that I toned it down for the recipe below. I stole a tiny bit of onion soup mix from a packet, but have a pretty good work around too for a homemade version.
The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Deviled Eggs

French Onion Deviled Eggs

Ingredients (for 2-4 people – double for a party):

2 hard-boiled eggs, cooled
2 tablespoons mayo
1 teaspoon yellow mustard or dijon
1/4 teaspoon French Onion Soup mix (see alternative & uses for the leftovers below)
salt & pepper
2 teaspoons crispy fried onions (see uses for the leftovers below)


Halve the eggs and pop the yolks into a bowl or food processor then add in the mayo, mustard, soup mix, and blend very well.
The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Deviled Eggs
Add a touch of salt & pepper and mix well and then taste it. Add more salt & pepper if needed, or more mayo to mellow it out if too strong.
Spoon into the bottom corner of a zip top bag (I use a glass to hold it open & upright).
The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Deviled Eggs
In a dry pan, toast the crispy fried onions over medium heat, watching not to burn.
Snip the bottom and pipe into each egg half. Fill each to be level with the egg, then go back and pipe into a circle on top so each one has enough.
The Three Bite Rule - French Onion Deviled Eggs

Go easy on the salt until tasting it if using mix.

French Onion Soup mix alternative: equal parts onion powder, garlic powder, minced dried onion, salt, and a splash of Worcestershire sauce. If using part of a packet, the remaining can easily become dip/stuffing seasoning/burger seasoning/roast potato seasoning. If using part of crispy fried onions container, the remainder is fun as a mac & cheese topper (here!) or we’ve put them on hot dogs with BBQ & cheddar. Both ingredients are SO great for a Onion Dip Burger (excuse the 6-year-old photos I really should re-shoot).

Sausage Burger on a Pretzel Bun

This quickie burger blew. my. mind. The pretzel bun + mustard + sausage shaped-like-a-burger was just so amazing. I whipped it up for lunch one day when I realized we had one, lone pretzel bun in the freezer annnnnd a half of a green pepper hanging out in the fridge. The stars aligned because we always have sausage links in the freezer and onions are usually a staple too. Ta-da!
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger

I made this inside on the stove in about 10 minutes, but will absolutely repeat for the grill. Also, I’ll repeat since this wasn’t a family dinner with the 1 pretzel roll we had…sorry Mr. J! It was amazing! Don’t be like me – make a bunch! Share with others!

Sausage Burgers on Pretzel Buns with Peppers & Onions (for 2)


2 Italian sausage links, casing removed
2 pretzel buns
1/2 green bell pepper
1/4 onion
2 tablespoons mustard
2 slices provolone cheese (optional)


Slice the pepper and onion into the same size pieces…so slice the pepper and then slice in half again. Saute the onions for 2 minutes in a drizzle of oil, then add in the peppers and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
Form the sausage link into a circle shaped patty and pan fry in the same pan as the peppers/onions. (No real culinary reason other than to not have 2 pans to wash!)
Flip to cook through and add the peppers & onions in to keep warm until serving.
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger
While the sausage cooks, toast the pretzel bun until warmed through. Spread on the mustard.
Add the provolone to the burger, if using.
Serve the burgers topped with peppers and onions.
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger

I really loved this. Maybe it was the simplicity. Maybe it was a 10 minute meal that was so good and just came together at the right time. That pretzel bun with the mustard was just at traditional match. 1 sausage link formed into a circle is quite thin so it cooked really quickly. Yay! I didn’t have any provolone around but thought the stretch of some mild cheese would be amazing.
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger

Toasting it was necessary. Both sides can have soapboxes for whether all burger buns need to be toasted, but pretzel buns need to be treated like soft pretzels.
The. End.
The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Pretzel Burger


Pineapple Coconut Smoothie

Hints of warmer weather bring smoothies back into the breakfast rotations! I love a frozen element in them so I give them a reprieve for the winter. This one is delicate but has slightly tropical flavored from the pineapple and coconut almond milk. I wish it were delightfully yellow, but pineapple + yogurt + milk = mostly white. I added in some ground flax seeds so mind the brown flecks.

The Three Bite Rule - Pineapple Coconut Smoothie

Pineapple Coconut Smoothie

Ingredients (for 1, as a meal)

~3/4 cup Greek yogurt in vanilla or coconut
1 cup frozen pineapple
2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
1 cup coconut almond milk
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
water, if needed


Add yogurt, pineapple, flaxseed, coconut almond milk, and almond extract to a blender.
The Three Bite Rule - Pineapple Coconut Smoothie
Blend together thoroughly. Add a splash of water if needed for desired consistency.
The Three Bite Rule - Pineapple Coconut Smoothie
The Three Bite Rule - Pineapple Coconut Smoothie
I loved the subtlety in this smoothie. It was filling from the yogurt but that could be skipped and the pineapple could be increased if it weren’t functioning as breakfast – well, it was second breakfast at 8am before heading to work after a piece of banana bread with the fam at 6:30am.

My fav dietitians told me to grind the flax seeds or the nutritional benefit is really wasted. Good to know, right? I store it as seeds and pop through the coffee grinder before using. I used coconut almond milk because I really love the flavor and don’t love regular milk alone. I only get it a few times a year because it a) costs more; b) has less protein than regular milk; c) it also has more sugar then regular milk; d) it is delicious in coffee! It is a treat and it hits the spot as dessert sometimes.

I’d imagine a bit of mango would have colored this nicely too. I almost grated some fresh ginger in, but I was trying to keep it simple. The touch of almond extract is perfect here. I totally tasted it and thought it was a great pairing.