What I Ate: German Chocolate Cake Topped Waffles

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source urlWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/93g4hr994 The little one is obsessed with waffles. Seriously, he wants a waffle every. day. I saw Belgian waffles in the freezer section and was totally intrigued. I wanted to start with the frozen waffle but go with really fun toppings.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles

German Chocolate Cake Inspired Waffles (for 2)


here Belgian waffles
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon chocolate sauce
3 tablespoons nuts
2 tablespoons coconut flakes


Online Tramadol Cod Toast the waffle until crisp and keep warm until serving.
Whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. While it is whipping, add in the chocolate sauce. Chill until serving.
In a dry pan, toast the nuts.
Then, use the pan to toast the coconut.
Top the waffles with coconut and nuts.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles
Add the chocolate whipped cream to a plastic bag and cut a corner and add to the top.
The Three Bite Rule - German Chocolate Cake Waffles

https://brako.com/en/o2534l5 I loved this 5 minute fun breakfast for a weekend morning. Swap out the walnuts for almonds and poof, you have an almond joy waffle I guess!


Red Velvet Smoothie

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https://www.inaxorio.com/n75cs13g4pz Smoothies are such a perfect breakfast for hot days. This one would hit the spot for dessert or a snack too. The beets, strawberries, and cocoa together give a chocolatey and earthy but sweet flavor.

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/426qrvz The Three Bite Rule - Red Velvet Smoothie

Red Velvet Smoothie for 2


Buy Cheapest Tramadol Online 2 cups baby spinach
1 cup milk
1/2 cup ice cubes
1 1/4 cup strawberries
2-3 beets, roasted
2 tablespoons cocoa powder


https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/97ra1d5gs1 Add spinach, milk, and ice to a blender and blend very well.
The Three Bite Rule - Red Velvet Smoothie
Then add in the strawberries, beets, and cocoa powder. Blend well and add a splash of milk if too thick.
The Three Bite Rule - Red Velvet Smoothie
Pour & enjoy!
The Three Bite Rule - Red Velvet Smoothie
I loved this for variety since my other smoothies are predominantly fruity.  The chocolate hint kind of made it seem like dessert…or maybe just what a weekday morning needs.

What I Ate: Cherry Basil Toast

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https://autismwish.org/l7jg7acqWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/nmzqixac9q More toast! My basil is going gang-busters…knock on wood. I wanted a savory-ish toast with basil and ended up sweetening it up with some cherries. It was kind of the best of both worlds. Plus, it only took a few cherries. Cutting cherries around the pit is only fun for so long.
The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Basil Toast


https://living4youboutique.com/0ufffu755k toast
1 tablespoon cream cheese
1/4 cup cherries, pitted & chopped
2 basil leaves, rolled & sliced


https://geneticsandfertility.com/bn97v5dlih Toast the bread until well done, so the cream cheese doesn’t tear it. Spread the cream cheese on.
Sprinkle the cherries and basil on.

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/x612rcs3 The Three Bite Rule - Cherry Basil Toast

https://bxscco.com/t0gtetxy It felt like summer to a T. I love cherries but only bought a few after having some that were so good at work. I’m on vacay and hoping my basil is still doing well when I get home. I feel pesto coming on!!

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Avo, Egg & Everything Bagel Seasoning

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Buy Genuine Tramadol Online UkWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://etbscreenwriting.com/nyczs7e This toast took 2 tries but was ohh-so-worth-it! I had a sweet challah bread with a soft boiled egg, mashed avocado, and everything-bagel seasoning. Mr. J is the soft boiled egg master and the first time I over cooked ’em. Then I miiight have undercooked it. It was good, but I worried it might have been a touch jiggly.

go to site The Three Bite Rule - Avocado Everything Toast

Avocado Toast with Soft Boiled Egg & Everything Bagel Seasoning


Cheap Overnight Tramadol Cod 1/4 teaspoon each: sesame seeds; poppy seeds; minced onion; fennel seeds; kosher salt & pepper
1 slice challah bread
1 egg
1/2 avocado


Online Tramadol Cod In a dry skillet, toast the seasoning for about 5 minutes (can be made and stored in advance).
The Three Bite Rule - Avocado Everything Toast
Bring water to boil – just enough to cover the egg. Once it boils, add in the egg and cover to cook for 4.5 minutes. (Cooking for 5 minutes then they rested for ~1 minute and when I peeled, they were too hard. Cooking for 4 minutes and barely resting and peeling they were a bit squishy.)
While the egg is cooking, toast the bread until golden brown.
Fork smash the avocado. Spread onto the toast.
Peal the egg under running water and quickly get it onto the toast. Poke that yolk!
The Three Bite Rule - Avocado Everything Toast
Sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning. Enjoy!
The Three Bite Rule - Avocado Everything Toast

What I Ate #ToastedTuesday Peach, Pistachio Toast

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Purchase Tramadol OvernightWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/i44wz1k I was thinking I’d go for another fruity & nutty option, in a different direction than a nut butter one like this one. I wanted soft & sweet with crunchy and salty. This hit the spot, plus it was so dang quick to throw together! Of all my toasts, this one was perfect for balance. I liked the bit of creamy dairy, the small amount of salty crunchy nuts, and the fresh fruit. I made another baby one with the almost-heal of the bread to be a solid breakfast meal.
The Three Bite Rule - Peach Pistachio Toast

Peach & Pistachio Toast

Ingredients: for 1 serving

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2 tablespoons ricotta or cream cheese
1/2 nectarine or peach
2 tablespoons shelled pistachios


https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/boatpym Toast the bread until crunchy.
Slice the peach/nectarine into thin pieces
chop the nuts a bit

Buying Tramadol Online Reviews I love the flavor of pistachios and I probably don’t use them nearly enough. I was itching to make this toast but needed the nectarine to ripen a bit. I don’t love the fuzz of a peach but to each his own. The ricotta provided a creaminess as well as the sticking point to ensure each bite didn’t have toppings sliding all over!

go site The Three Bite Rule - Peach Pistachio Toast

I dare say, frozen peaches are pretty good for flavor and texture so this one wouldn’t be impossible at other seasons of the year when peaches aren’t around. Maybe I’ll make a winter-ized version in the cooler months. The peaches might need to be chopped but, it could work!

Ok, make some toast. Go nutty at breakfast.

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Almond Butter & Blackberry

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Let the toast continue! There’s nothing better than peanut butter toast for breakfast. For this one, I picked a very special nut butter and fresh blackberries.
The Three Bite Rule - PB & Blackberry Toast
I chose vanilla almond butter as a treat over my usual chunky peanut butter…hello, that one is $12 a jar. tweleveeeee-dollarsssss. The packet for a buck was enough of a treat. I love peanut butter with berries instead of jelly. My little one is jelly obsessed so he’d think I’m crazy but hear me out.:  the sticky nutty pb neeeeeds fresh and juicy.


Oatmeal toast
vanilla almond butter/any nut butter
blackberries, sliced in half
drizzle of honey or maple syrup

The Three Bite Rule - PB & Blackberry Toast
Toast. Top. Enjoy!

Pssst. June is basically over but I might keep the toasts going. I have a few I didn’t get to yet! Stay tuned!!

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Sourdough with Ricotta, Arugula, & Bacon

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

Ohh this is the stuff savory breakfasts are made of! Bacon. Arugula. Ricotta. Sourdough bread. I loved every bit of this and iiiiif you can’t get on board with this as breakfast, at least plan for this to be your next crostini appetizer, light lunch, or too-hot-to-cook dinner.
The Three Bite Rule - Arugula Toast with Bacon
My new realization for good toast is the special & fancy bread. I found this sourdough square loaf uncut but was cheaper than some of the others prob because it requires slicing myself. The bacon is your salty, and necessary. Arugula is the peppery and the fresh part. Ricotta is the most underrated cheese that seems to only survive in people’s lasagna. I like it cool & spread on toast but cream cheese could go here if that’s your preference.

Ricotta, Arugula, & Bacon Toast

Ingredients: (for 1 serving)

2 slices bacon
1 slice sourdough bread
2 tablespoons ricotta
1-2 cups baby arugula
1 teaspoon balsamic dressing


Chop the bacon into small pieces and pan fry until crispy.
While the bread is toasting, toss the arugula in the dressing.
Spread the ricotta onto the bread, top with arugula, and sprinkle the bacon on top.

The Three Bite Rule - Arugula Toast with Bacon
Mr. J’s birthday burger is next. Stay tuned!!

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Burrata, Pesto & Tomato

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

More toast! I’m challenging myself to come up with more interesting toast toppers for June, thus, #ToastedTuesday ! With the weather warming, these are great meal ideas beyond breakfast…despite my quest for different breakfasts every day! I went savory and for this breakfast, I’d totally eat this for lunch or dinner! It is practically summer! Eat all the basil/pesto!
The Three Bite Rule - Burrata, Pesto, Tomato Toast

There aren’t really local tomatoes around these New England parts yet, but I’m chomping at the bit for gooooood tomatoes. Mine were fine, but I’m glad the burrata was steller and the pesto was addictive!

Italian Toast with Burrata, Pesto, & Tomato

Ingredients: (for 2)

2 slices of good bread
2 tablespoons pesto
1 tomato, sliced thin
1 small burrata ball (or fresh mozzarella)


Toast the bread to your likeness.
Spread on the pesto and sliced tomatoes. Then slice the burrata and place on top of the toast.
Sprinkle with pepper & kosher salt and serve immediately.

The Three Bite Rule - Burrata, Pesto, Tomato Toast

Ohh yes. This is the perfect way to start the day. Burrata is softer and filled with a luscious cream for a gooey center. It is perfectly mild and creamy to contrast the pesto and crunchy toast. I was surprised to find it at the grocery store, but can’t wait for the farmer’s market go get it from local cheese folks.

I thought the salt was necessary and used a rosemary seasoned salt. This felt special, despite it taking only 2 minutes to make. Go ahead! Make a Wednesday special!

(today is Mr. J’s birthday so stay tuned for his special Birthday Burger! We’re on year 6 of this tradition: here are the years past, get caught up!  Happy happy birthday to my always-taste-tester!!)

What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday – Strawberry & Nutella Toast

What I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

I know, I know, I know. You do not need me for this. BUT, maybe you need breakfast inspiration? Or you have that overflowing and want to give ME ideas? Yes, I’ll take ’em all. I had lots of crazy toast toppings as ideas on my running food list and figured I’d challenge myself to making some. Welcome to Toasted Tuesdays! Ta-da!

They’re only getting more intense so please stay tuned…even if you’re thinking 2 toppings does not a-toast-make.
The Three Bite Rule - Strawberry Nutella Toast

Strawberry Nutella Toast


1 slice good quality wheat toast
2 tablespoons nutella
2-3 ripe strawberries
sprinkle of cinnamon


Toast the bread, slice the berries, and assemble with a schmear of nutella, slices of strawberries, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
The Three Bite Rule - Strawberry Nutella Toast

What goes on your toast (besides avo, duhh)? This feels like dessert because it is sweet for sure. The strawberries were like the jelly for this toast. I looooove nutella so I wanted to start there. Strawberries have been suuuuper cheap lately, and the little one loves “strawbies” so we’ve had them a lot.

#toastedtuesday is here for June, stay tuned! Annnd tell me all your fav toasts. There’ll be fun cheeses, maybe some nuts, maybe more berries, possibly pesto, just. you. wait!

Restaurant Recreation: Bfast Tots Hash

Lulu’s Allston has this so decadent White Trash Hash that is tots, topped with braised short ribs, hollandaise, with poached eggs. It came in a close 2nd place at a brunch battle event and I totally thought it should have won. I recreated at home during my mini stay-cation. A day home alone calls for brunch, with a 2nd cup of coffee. The pups watched me take my plate out and must have been thinking: ‘what, the heck is going on?’ or ‘can I have some?’. I made a cheesy sauce since it is easy to make a small amount.

The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Hash
Sooo good! Using the toaster oven made it surprisingly quick. My eggs weren’t 100% perfect but a bit runny. They’re the most testy part of putting this together. Mr. J is suuuper skilled at pealing soft boiled eggs. I am not. I use a metal insert for poaching eggs- which takes a bit of practice. I’m getting there.

Bfast Tot Hash (for 2)


2 cups tator tots
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons cream cheese
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon butter
2 eggs


Bake the tots until very crispy. (I popped mine in the toaster oven on broil so they only took 15 minutes.)
In a small sauce pan over medium low heat, mix together the milk and cream cheese until melted and whisks smoothly – about 5 minutes. Then whisk in the cheese and butter.
The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Hash
While the cheese sauce cooks, poach or soft boil the eggs.  (poach in water = ~3 minutes; poach in insert= ~4 minutes; soft boil= ~5 minutes)
Lay the tots on plates, then drizzle cheese sauce, top with the egg, another drizzle of cheese sauce, and salt & pepper.
The Three Bite Rule - Bfast Hash
Poke that yolk and enjoy!