What I Ate: #ToastedTuesday Burrata, Pesto & Tomato

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https://living4youboutique.com/g1dajp6vjWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.

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https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/a9nmlsmv More toast! I’m challenging myself to come up with more interesting toast toppers for June, thus, #ToastedTuesday ! With the weather warming, these are great meal ideas beyond breakfast…despite my quest for different breakfasts every day! I went savory and for this breakfast, I’d totally eat this for lunch or dinner! It is practically summer! Eat all the basil/pesto!
The Three Bite Rule - Burrata, Pesto, Tomato Toast


follow site There aren’t really local tomatoes around these New England parts yet, but I’m chomping at the bit for gooooood tomatoes. Mine were fine, but I’m glad the burrata was steller and the pesto was addictive!


Italian Toast with Burrata, Pesto, & Tomato

Ingredients: (for 2)

https://www.inaxorio.com/5ggzf2e4vv9 2 slices of good bread
2 tablespoons pesto
1 tomato, sliced thin
1 small burrata ball (or fresh mozzarella)



https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/ces8136s Toast the bread to your likeness.
Spread on the pesto and sliced tomatoes. Then slice the burrata and place on top of the toast.
Sprinkle with pepper & kosher salt and serve immediately.

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https://brako.com/en/f68vy9xadde Ohh yes. This is the perfect way to start the day. Burrata is softer and filled with a luscious cream for a gooey center. It is perfectly mild and creamy to contrast the pesto and crunchy toast. I was surprised to find it at the grocery store, but can’t wait for the farmer’s market go get it from local cheese folks.

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https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/yq96v1gb I thought the salt was necessary and used a rosemary seasoned salt. This felt special, despite it taking only 2 minutes to make. Go ahead! Make a Wednesday special!

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enter (today is Mr. J’s birthday so stay tuned for his special Birthday Burger! We’re on year 6 of this tradition: here are the years past, get caught up!  Happy happy birthday to my always-taste-tester!!)

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