June 2024 Recap

There’s so much in June for the kids’ end of school festivities and with my work fiscal year-end. We finished strong but I’m also really looking forward to a little more relaxed July! My bffs celebrated our birthdays with a long weekend to Charleston and that included tons of good food, drinks, and a lot of walking. Mr. J didn’t get the greatest birthday or Father’s day celebrations but agreed to a burger and his one gift he wanted.

The Hawaiian Burger was the star this month. It was so juicy and the pineapple slaw was a great addition.

I gave this strawberry lemonade smoothie a refresh from 2015. The extra became popsicles and were fantastic that way.

Lastly, I loaded up Cranberry Nut Chicken Salad and loved it.

July means lots of day camps for both kids this year, which also means packing anything they’ll agree to eat as lunches. I picture more pool time. I have a bfast idea I can’t wait to try out! We are probably overdue for apps for dinner so I’ll have to make that happen.

The Big Kid:
He’s done with 3rd grade! It was a really great year and I love to see him grow up in so many ways. He’s Celtics obsessed and went to the parade. He picked friends instead of the whole class for his end of year party and they are a nice group. He got to see his big cousins play all the sports as their seasons ended.

The Little One:
She had a great time having field day for the first time. She also hosted her first ever end of year party with her class and dance friends. It felt a little sad for kindergarten to be over but I think she’ll feel very comfortable joining the elementary school and with kids who are more used to being at school than in kindergarten. She grumbles about swim lessons but does everything and we can see such growth in her strength.

Goals for this year:
Year of small businesses/artisans/writers: I picked cute earrings in Charleston
More meatless meals: hmmm. Maybe not a lot
sandwiches and salads: I made cranberry nut chicken salad!
a focus on going to new or places we don’t get to all the time: I had margaritas with the moms’ night out group at El Centro and was reminded to get there soon.
redo photos – this strawberry lemonade smoothie a refresh from 2015
what I’m reading: I read Banyan Moon and was really into it. Then, my fav author had a new book: Anita de Monte Laughs Last by Xohchitl Gonzalez had so much to it. I also read Mad Honey which is one I’ll remember forever and wasn’t expecting. It was a really good reading month.

May 2024 Recap

May is a marathon with lots of fun things, true feelings of spring to summer, and also, work is so busy so the month is FULL. We had some fun food and got outside much more.

I made a Street Corn Pasta Salad which felt like familiar flavors in a unique format.

Then I gave a refresh to the beloved Ranch Chicken Burgers we’ve been repeating 4x a year, since 2012!

I turned sausage & peppers subs into burrito-ish wraps. They had great cheesy and mustardy flavors!

My love for rice bowls runs deep so I did a Chicken Parm rice bowl theme.

Chicken Parm Rice Bowl - The Three Bite Rule

June will include a my bffs trip, that busy end of the school year, the end of the fiscal year at work, and of course flag day which is only a big deal in our town. I’ll make a birthday burger, a redo is on the menu, and some other spring/summer ideas.

The Big Kid:
We’re wrapping up the baseball season and school is a max capacity. There are so many field trips, spring concert, field day, the art show, and so much more. We keep hoping we’ll have the last spelling homework packet but eventually it has to be the last one! He got a new bike and is obsessed. It was shocking to see him this spring on his old one where he looked like a clown on a tiny one!

The Little One:
She had her dance recital to wrap up the year and really loved it this year. Her class is huge and I loved that she wasn’t nervous this year. She too had a field trip and will have another one coming up. We got a load of hand-me-down dresses and she’s in her glory with more sequins. She loves playground time during the baseball games and is very into egg salad for quick or picnic dinners.

Goals for this year:
Year of small businesses/artisans/writers: I didn’t get to it this month.
More meatless meals: We had peanut sesame noodles & edamame recently!
sandwiches and salads: salad bar dinner one night & a few salad kits were a nice change!
a focus on going to new or places we don’t get to all the time: Mom and I hadn’t been to lunch at Legal Seafoods for chowder in a very long time!
redo photos – Ranch Chicken burgers got a refresh since 2012 and apartment life!
what I’m reading: I read Sunshine Nails which was pretty good- it’d be perfect for vacation. The List was kind of a letdown…it was not really worth it. Alternatively, I was very captivated by First Lie Wins which I sought out for a page-turner I could undo the last two I hadn’t loved. I’m pretty obsessed with some others and should finish any day.

Ranch Chicken Burgers

{originally published in 2012 and updated in 2024}

These are possibly the most-repeated dish from the blog. We’ve been having these since using a grill pan in our apartment way back when and now have them regularly in the spring and summer. They’re so good and such a crowd-pleaser.

Ranch Chicken Burgers
Ingredients: (for 4)

1 pound ground chicken
1 packet dried ranch dressing/dip mix (~2 teaspoons)
3 tbs ranch dressing
4 rolls

Preheat the grill.
Mix together the ground chicken, ranch mix, 1 teaspoon of ranch dressing – reserving the rest for topping.
Form into 4 patties.

Sprinkle with salt & pepper then grill until cooked through 165-degrees being careful not to flip too often. These cook well on a griddle.
Serve on buns with more ranch and any toppings you like!

We have these often but hadn’t yet this year. The kiddos didn’t remember them and each ate it all! There’s the lesson – repeat a previous dinner, nobody remembers how often you serve something! We each added ranch on the buns and these are great with lettuce, tomato, pickles, or anything! I think the kids add ketchup.

April 2024 Recap

April was such a whirlwind with school vacation getaway to Mystic & Legoland, a few social plans, a few dr’s appts, and the start of baseball season!

In the kitchen, I made a few fun things! I took inspiration from Tacobell and made a Taco Pizza – which is kind of a quesadilla pizza? That gets confusing but whatever you call it, it was delicious and was such a meal from the refried beans and ground meet middle layer.

I made a red velvet waffle that is so good and could also be pancakes! I froze the rest and toast them to order!

The Three Bite Rule - Red Velvet Waffles

A chopped Greek salad rounded out the blog posts and is perfectly hardy to pack for lunch, dinner on the go, or for a group.

Chopped Greek Salad - The Three Bite Rule

May is another full one – lots of baseball and the last dance classes and recital! At work reunion is coming up. Foodwise, it’ll mean some quick or packable dinners, likely more grilling, and more salads. I love this change of seasons and am glad for more time outside.

The Big Kid:
He is getting into the baseball season. We loved seeing him follow the map at Legoland! He thought the vending machines were one of the best parts of staying at a hotel. He’s had lots of birthday parties lately. He is still into bananas and loves a bacon, egg & cheese.

The Little One:
She is our adrenaline junkie – she LOVED the roller coaster at Legoland. It was great to see her eat really well on vacation. She went to a Taylor Swift Dance Party birthday party and loved it. I was happy to see her have fun with girls in her class. There was about a week on and off of her under the weather – she had a headache and was better, then tired and was better, wasn’t hungry, then was better.

Goals for this year:
Year of small businesses/artisans/writers: It was time for a springy scent from Paperback Candles.
More meatless meals: Hmmm.
sandwiches and salads: Chopped Greek salad!
a focus on going to new or places we don’t get to all the time: We went to dinner at Jinny’s Pizza in Newton and looooved it. Our trip to Mystic & Legoland counts too!
redo photos – none this month.
what I’m reading: I read The Cuban Heiress which was pretty good but I think some of her other titles have more Cuba in them! I also read Hey Ladies! which was also ok. Then I read You, Again which again was entertaining but not amazing. I read The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches and thought it was cute.