French Bread Pizza 1

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go to site Hope you had a deliciously snowy weekend like I did! Just you wait. I cooked some fun stuff I can’t wait to share with you. Too bad I don’t have an recipe for snow, because we got walloped and there’s plenty to go around. I think our official count was 22 inches.

go site I’ve shared a great deal of pizzas but I hear all the time how annoying/tricky dough can be. I agree. It can be tough. I’ve had a few struggles myself (like here, or here), so I figured it was about time for a pizza without a doughy crust.

go site Enter: French bread pizza (forget that the bread packaging says Italian Bread) go here french_bread_pizza_baked_590_390

Ingredients: 3 tbs butter/margarine Tramadol Online Prescription 1 tbs garlic, chopped ½ tsp garlic powder Order Tramadol Online Cod Overnight 4 tbs grated Parmesan/Romano cheese sprinkle of salt, pepper, & Italian seasoning 1 cup tomato sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella
toppings of your choosing

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Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Melt butter, adding garlic, cheese, and seasonings.
Half bread, lengthwise.
Spread butter, garlic, and seasonings onto each half and bake for 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and top with sauce and cheese
french_bread_pizza_tobake_590_390Add the toppings of your choice!
Bake 15 more minutes or until melty and crisp.

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enter site I loved how quick this pizza is. Everything is already cooked. It also cuts into a lot of pieces if you wanted to serve it at a party. 1 loaf ended up being 5 servings. I think it would be the fastest freezer meal to have on hand for when nobody feels like cooking.

source site The garlic base helps elevate it from a frozen pre-made pizza to an easy but delicious one. I took out half a few minutes earlier than the half we were eating that night. I hoped it’d help the lunch-reheating portion not to be overdone. That’s something you can’t do with a regular pizza!

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Tramadol 50Mg To Buy Also, you remember my sous-chef? Here’s Windsor. He was sitting pretty but the delicious smells of pizza on the counter got the better of him. Don’t his white whiskers make him look distinguished?

Tramadol Fedex Visa Allow me to introduce my new sous-chef. Bailee comes to us from Maine (much like Windsor) and has been a fixture in the C family for all 8 years of her life so far. She’s living with us now (and maybe for keeps). I’m also her favorite when I’m cooking. She’s a bit portly so Mr. J has a grand-slimdown-plan. So far it has only involved fewer snacks than she’s used to and a few extra trips up and down our stairs. The snow is taller than she is so she’s not overly impressed with the backyard right now.
french_ bread_pizza_bailee

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