Tuna Nicoise Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

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Order Tramadol Paypal I’m capitalizing on salads while I’m home on maternity leave. It is a good reminder how lucky I am to a) get a freshly cooked lunch at work, and b) that there’s always salad all ready with lunch. This salad took a bit more prep than just tossing some veggies with greens but I loved it and was so happy with my quick dressing! I’m counting this as my monthly eat-more-fish goal and my make-more-salad-dressings goal, though I will get my act together and eat more fish that isn’t just on salad.

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https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/ugeqz2em Tuna Nicoise is the French cousin to our cobb salad. The cooking required is for the potatoes, egg, and green beans. You could include artichokes or seared tuna, or sardines if you’re feeling especially French. It looks so pretty before you dress it or before scooping bites of this and that. It is definitely a salad that feels like a meal.


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Dijon Vinaigrette


go to link 1/4 cup olive oil source url 2 tbs balsamic vinegar https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/lrarqeks 1 tbs dijon mustard https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/n1xm2letdla 1 tsp garlic, chopped https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/179ijeyiqn 1/2 tsp honey https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/6zwd6edg2xp salt & pepper

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enter In a jar, add the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, garlic, honey, salt & pepper (I forgot the balsamic until after this pic) Tramadol Online Mexico The Three Bite Rule - Tuna Nicoise Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette https://www.inaxorio.com/mxmqbik Shake well for 1 minute. https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/u7szsuceo22 The Three Bite Rule - Tuna Nicoise Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette watch Taste & adjust as needed. Add more honey if it is too bitter for you, or more vinegar if it needs more of a kick. https://living4youboutique.com/4yrqv1g4 Enjoy!

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get link Making salad dressing is so easy, which is why I wanted to make it more often. I have all these ingredients on hand AND I didn’t make a ton. That allows me to have different dressings all the time without making a gallon and feeling the need to use it all before going onto the next one. This dressing is light and easy to tweak to your tastes. By having it over this salad, it made me thing that salad dressing is a great use over steamed green beans or to mix into tuna.


source url Part of what I loved in this salad was the roasted potatoes. I nuked a potato, cut it into cubes then pan fried it in herbed butter until crisp. These potatoes were definitely a star of this salad. The butter was leftover from my salmon baked in herbed butter. I steamed the green beans while the potatoes were crisping then shocked them in ice water to keep them from going limp. https://geneticsandfertility.com/ad075qe4pka The Three Bite Rule - Tuna Nicoise Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette https://brako.com/en/vpolsd21 Each bite had me thinking that this is the best bite. Then I’d be all “mmm tuna and potato”, no that’s the best bite…”mmm egg and green bean”, no that’s the best bite. I love the fun stuff in salad, aka the heavy stuff that makes it pricey at a salad bar, and this one delivers on that. The greens below aren’t quite an afterthought, but they’re not what this is all about. I didn’t mess around much with the tuna – just half of a can (of chunk white tuna in water) with a tiny bit of Italian salad dressing to dress it really lightly. The Three Bite Rule - Tuna Nicoise Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette
I ate the exact same thing the following day for lunch, it was that good.
