December In Review

here 0 December is over and 2014 approaches. In case you’ve been too busy for The Three Bite Rule, here’s some highlights of what’s been happening lately. I was thrilled to see snow, but didn’t love my commute home. It seemed appropriate for December and a weeknight snowfall didn’t affect any holiday gatherings for me. Mr. J was psyched to use his snow blower. In December we cut down our Christmas tree, celebrated with each family, and I hosted a little holiday girls gathering one afternoon.

enter The puppies were just so happy to pose for a holiday card. Seriously. They love it. Windsor & Bailee are happy to have attention of any kind, also when earning a biscuit afterwards. Poor Windsor had a rough few weeks of seizures around Thanksgiving and then again on Christmas Eve. I told him people were going to think he didn’t like holidays. Get Tramadol Prescription Online The Three Bite Rule - Happy Holidays go to site For most of December I was obsessed with quick & easy meals. One of my favorites was Cheeseburger Soup that is easy on a weeknight or well suited to be kept warm in a crockpot. Discount Cheap Pills Tramadol The Three Bite Rule - Cheeseburger Soup I tweaked how I suggest adaptations, which has been well received: As seen at the end here for Sausage Stuffing The Three Bite Rule - Sausage Stuffing I figured everyone could use some tips to make better pizza source The Three Bite Rule - Margherita Pizza Buy Genuine Tramadol Online Uk And after all of that, who doesn’t need a lighter salad inspired by winter The Three Bite Rule - Wintry Salad Ordering Tramadol From India It’s a light few days here on 3 Bite Rule and in the blogosphere. I have a fancy new laptop (eeeeek!!!) for January posts and some ideas for blog-related New Year’s Resolutions. Stay tuned!

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