Cooking Forward to 2014

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go to site New Year’s resolutions leave me kind of undecided. Part of me thinks why not use the change in the calendar to be a better self. No time like the present to do or start something. The other part of me feels like there’s pressure to claim something big, or change drastically while sometimes New Year’s day feels a heck of a lot like the day before.

Order Tramadol Online Mastercard A friend told me once about doing a year-of-the>____. I’ve enjoyed it some years while other years it gets kind of dropped. I think I want to do a food related one this go-around.


Tramadol Uk Order The 1st year I did year-of-the-earring. It was perfect since I’m picky about earrings.
The 2nd year I did the follow site year-of-the-footwear. This worked well as I didn’t want to limit myself to just shoes.
The 3rd year I did source url year-of-the-home decor since it was the year we bought a house. It was kind of a bust.
Last year I thought I’d like to be more crafty, thank you Pinterest. I decided on a Tramadol For Sale Cheap year-of-the-DIY craft. I probably did about half the year…if that.

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source url I have a few thoughts for 2014 that might be fun blog posts themes, and we’ll see which actually happen. Maybe a monthly reminder is all I need, or maybe whatever sticks is just meant to be. a) year-of-the-grocery store impulse buy b) year-of-the-food re-do/restaurant recreation
c) year-of-the-monthly self-imposed cooking challenge
d) year-of-the-foodie excursion

source Cooking Light has an actually do-able 12 Healthy Habits monthly challenge that is actually do-able.

Tramadol Where To Buy Uk Maybe I also will set some attainable goals for the year:
send more mail
make some Pinterest pins a reality
cook with yeast (yikes!)
try a spin class
make more cocktails
Buy myself flowers more often What do you think? Do you make resolutions? Do you like hearing what others are doing for a resolution?

One thought on “Cooking Forward to 2014

  1. click here I like the Year of the………idea as well as the lovely person who offered the idea. I happen to love the buy flowers more often. I would like to grow a crop as well but that would count. I may institute a new restaurant once a month….any meal and with anyone who wants to join me.

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