White Wine Spritzer

I had some leftover wine that wasn’t the greatest. I jazzed up a wine spritzer that was just so delightful for a warm night viewing of The Bachelorette. Whether part of Bachelor Nation or not, this drink is perfect for the summer. The spritzer has such a bad rap but it is just what a Monday-night-bachelorette viewing needs, or day-drinking, or a light Sunday-funday, or for that not-so-great wine.

The Three Bite Rule - Wine Spritzer

Wine Spritzer with Pomegranate Lemonade Ice Cubes

Ingredients (for 2 drinks):

pomegranate lemonade ice cubes
4 oz white wine
3 oz ginger ale


Mix lemonade and pomegranate juice and pour into an ice cube tray. Freeze 6+ hours or overnight. Then add to a glass.
The Three Bite Rule - Wine Spritzer
Add in the wine.
The Three Bite Rule - Wine Spritzer
Top off with the ginger ale.
The Three Bite Rule - Wine Spritzer

I loved that as the “ice” melted, it added another flavor to the drink. The ginger flavor + the wine was so good and then the pomegranate and lemonade added slow additions of other flavors. It became a little bit like sangria. Need a mocktail? Go for gingerale with the ice cube flavors!

The Three Bite Rule - Wine Spritzer

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