Thanksgiving Burgers

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click here I had this idea for a Thanksgiving inspired burger but it didn’t seem right for Mr. J’s annual birthday burger, since that’s for June. Now that the air is cooler it seemed perfect! A turkey burger, sharp cheddar, cranberry spread, and one special ingredient boarders the line of grilling season and holiday flavors.


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Ingredients: (for 2 burgers) 1/2 pound ground turkey 1/2 cup stuffing mix salt & pepper 1/2 tsp dried thyme or dried sage Tramadol Mastercard Overnight sliced cheddar cranberry sauce or raspberry jam 2 burger buns

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Directions: Preheat a grill or grill pan. Prepare stuffing according to the package. click Mix ground turkey, stuffing, salt, pepper, and thyme. Thanksgiving Burger - The Three Bite Rule Tramadol To Buy Uk Form into patties and grill. Spray the grill with non-stick spray since turkey has a lower fat than ground beef, ground pork, etc. Thanksgiving Burger - The Three Bite Rule
Serve the burgers with cheddar, and cranberry spread.
Thanksgiving Burger - The Three Bite Rule
I didn’t end up getting cranberry sauce because I had some lingonberry jam which has a tartness like cranberries. I mixed it with a touch of mayo for a spread. I also was thinking that chopping up some craisins into the burger would give that flavor too.

Tramadol Prescribed Online The stuffing really wasn’t too much. I thought it might make the the burger heavy but I think the amount was spot-on. Serve with some sweet potato fries for all the flavors you love later in the fall while it is still burger season!

Purchasing Tramadol Online These flavors would be good as turkey meatloaf before Thanksgiving without having to cook a whole turkey.
Or this Thanksgiving Sandwich is fun


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or a panini with turkey, brie, and cranberry

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