Sauce 0

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go to site More vacation fun! I wanted to get this amazing meal recap out before I spill the beans of my next vacays scheduled! šŸ˜€ You can check out what else I loved eating on vacation here.

here I eat at this restaurant (Sauce) every year when I travel to San Fran for work and I fell in love the first time. They had me at mushroom jenga. go here Sauce sign go Sauce serves this ap of lightly breaded mushroom ā€œfriesā€ stacked like jenga or lincoln logs. It comes with ranch dipping sauce. Even people who donā€™t like mushrooms like these.

go here mushroom jenga click After another crazy-filled day of sightseeing Mr. J and I were starving (as in this was the day we didnā€™t have Ghirardelli sundaes for lunch). We also had endured a somewhat impromptu hike. I donā€™t mean the regular crazy hills, I mean up the side of a peak.

go to link I mentioned this spot and the menu caught Mr. Jā€™s eye too. Sold! It was near our hotel and I was pretty jazzed at the prospect of splitting a bunch of small plates.

see Needless to say, I got the portabello fries. Mr. J got bacon wrapped mini meatloaves served on mashed potatoes with gravy. What a fun idea for a potluck or dinner party?! Then we split everything else. Put your fat pants on, there was a lot of food. mini meatloaf source url We got Dungeness crab rangoons. It was pretty much all crab, no filler. Swoon. They were really good. I kind of changed my tune when we calculated the cost per Rangoon. Whatever, we were on vacation. see url wontons follow Next up was a side of Mac & Cheese. It was baked with a delightful cheese and cracker topping. Iā€™m pretty sure the deliciousness came from a good quantity of butter. ĆÆĀ»ĀæTramadol Illegal Order Online Mac & cheese baked And then the server asked us about dessert. Mr. J felt like we had to get the mini doughnut holes with vanilla bourbon dipping sauce. I wasnā€™t impressed with them earlier in the week because they werenā€™t warm and soft. Same story this time. Womp womp. We did a good job at them nonetheless. Order Tramadol With Paypal mini donut holes I was really interested in the PB&J cake with strawberry perserves, chunky peanut butter layer, and vanilla ice cream center. pb & jelly cake Thatā€™s when it went downhill. There was a sampler and we went for it. You can see above that it had the doughnuts, the PB&J cake. It also came with rum raisin cookie dough ice cream sandwiches.
cookie dough ice cream sandwich
They put some strawberries dipped in whipped cream and brown sugar on for good measure too. Why? Probably because these are full servings and intended for 4 people. Mr. J was adamant that we finish. We were laughing so hard about how stuffed we were that we gave it a good shot but it was a doozy. I had a serious case of the giggles and Mr. J was doing some Lamaze breathing. Our waitress kind of thought we were insane.

follow url It was such a fun meal. I kind of love the last night of vacation. Do you? I means it is almost time to go home and by the end Iā€™m ready. It was such a fun dinner of sharing and there was PLENTY of food. Mr. J and I truly got to just enjoy ourselves and relish the moments.

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source: Sauce