Pie for Dinner: Tortilla Pie

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https://bxscco.com/j06vqpt0 I was in the mood for something fun and after scouring the fridge I thought about Mexican. I went with a tortilla pie and it was great! All the ingredients were things I had on hand and threw in what I had.


follow site My thought was that it could come out too messy if there was too much liquid. Since flour tortillas won’t absorb much I tried to keep that in mind.

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https://etbscreenwriting.com/knw3r49jw0 3 flour tortillas https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/nmzqixac9q 1 can pinto beans source url ½ cup salsa Order Tramadol Next Day Delivery 2 cups chicken, chopped https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/9923pvrh 2 cups spinach, chopped Buying Tramadol Online 1 cup brown rice https://brako.com/en/i3r3bhbge7e 1 cup corn source site 1 cup shredded cheddar https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/869eigljg 2 tbs taco seasoning

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https://autismwish.org/hbb0ra6 1) Cook chicken with taco seasoning. https://geneticsandfertility.com/ob73v210pke

2) Cook rice and then mix in spinach. I used instant brown rice and and the spinach wilted perfectly when mixed in. Serve the unused portion on the side. Putting some in will help keep everything from getting soggy. get link get link 3) Spray an empty skillet with non-stick spray and toast each side of the tortilla. 4) Rinse beans and add ¼ cup of salsa. Mash the beans and mix the salsa evenly with a few lumps remaining.

5) Layer toasted tortialls with bean spread, chicken, corn, cheese, rice & spinach, and sprinkle with taco seasoning. Repeat layers ending with a tortilla on top.

6) Bake 20 minutes at 350. Sprinkle with cheese if desired and salsa.

I had some leftover breaded chicken pieces that worked really well. The spinach was a good way to add another veggie and tomatoes might have made it too runny. Keeping the salsa out of the pie kept the consistency perfect. I had some salsa con queso cheesey dip so I drizzled some of that too. Mr. J and I liked it a lot and will definitely make it again!

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