Maple Bacon Baked Brie 0

see For Christmas we had apps all day instead of lunch/dinner. I made this baked brie in puff pastry with a maple, bacon, and caramelized onion topping. It was good, but a touch too sweet. Do as I say not, as I do! see url Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions Cheapest Tramadol Cod I love baked brie but it needs to be served hot, and had a chance to set for a few minutes…otherwise all the brie oozes and is gone in a second!

Ingredients: 1 sheet of puff pastry 1 wheel of brie 1 cup caramelized onions (made ahead of time) 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tbs maple syrup Tramadol Purchase Online Uk 3 strips of bacon

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Directions: Preheat the oven to 400-degrees. here Pan fry the bacon until crispy and let cool. Tramadol Buy Online Europe Mix up the onions, bacon, syrup, and brown sugar. Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions Unfold the puff pastry dough and put 1/3 of the filling in the middle, and put the brie on top. Spoon the rest of the filling on top of the brie. enter Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions Fold a corner of the puff pastry over the top, and keep folding around in a circle getting to the end. Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions Tramadol Buy Put onto a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Brush with maple syrup (or eggwash). Bake 10-15 minutes until golden brown. source site Serve with crackers to dip. Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions Enjoy! Order Tramadol Online Cash On Delivery Baked Brie with Maple Bacon & Caramelized Onions I used a bit more brown sugar & syrup than I probably needed so I decreased it for the recipe above. I like the oozy cheese with the bacon and the onions. Anything in puff pastry is a winner in my book!

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