Lemon Pepper Kebabs Without So Much Pepper

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click Summer mugginess and I don’t mix so something cool, fresh, and Mediterranean sounded perfect. It was also a good use for some marinated chicken hanging around.
The boneless skinless lemon pepper chicken came from our fav butcher. Mr. J thought it was too peppery so I thought re-marinating it in a basic Italian dressing would tone down the pepper a bit.

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/8mnxz5vf One of my favorite things about Greek and Mediterranean food is that the fresh ingredients get to be the focus. It screams summer to have so much crunch and individual flavor.


see 1 large boneless chicken breast, marinated, cut into chunks
1 yellow pepper, cut into chunks
1 tomato
1 English cucumber
1/2 cup feta
1/4 cup Italian or Greek dressing


see Soak wooden kebab sticks in lukewarm water
Skewer chicken chunks alternating with pepper chunks and grill.
Chop tomato and cucumber before mixing with feta and dressing.
Serve kebabs with rice pilaf and cucumber tomato salad.

Order Tramadol From Mexico I couldn’t stop marveling over how perfectly cooked the chicken was. It was perfectly juicy. I think the size of each piece had a lot to do with that. The peppers got a nice char too without losing all the crunch.

https://www.inaxorio.com/dqkeo53gz4g The kebabs, plus buttery rice pilaf, plus salty feta in a crisp salad was awesome. I was really happy with it and thought this meal was nicely well rounded.

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/69uuulr2 Have a good Labor Day Weekend everyone! Can you believe it is already September?!

2 thoughts on “Lemon Pepper Kebabs Without So Much Pepper

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