July 2022 Recap

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see June was confusing but July was exciting! I got and started my new job! I was grateful to be so so so far in the process when my role was eliminated. I was in weird limbo and unsure what would be next so I was glad to move right into this one! I’m glad to work through this and be in a routine before school starts. 

This month I made the most summery dessert snack: s’mores cheeseball! The kids didn’t care that much about this one either way but maybe that’s because they’d be happy to roast a marshmallow in any weather.

The Three Bite Rule - S'mores Dip

https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/fih2cn2w Strawberry Lemonade & Basil Cocktail was such a highlight. Cocktails (or mocktails) are such a fun way to liven up any regular day. I tested these babies and tweaked it before blogging them to have lots of strawberry!

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Strawberry Lemonade & Basil Cocktail - The Three Bite Rule

Order Tramadol 100Mg Online Turmeric Couscous Salad was nice to give a side dish some love. I tend to go more basic on the sides but a little splash of orange juice was a great dressing for this one and it is great the next day too. The little girl and I ate leftovers by the pool!

The Three Bite Rule - Turmeric Couscous Salad

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/yzltx77tq5p August blog posts will be some more summery things – a burger, some prime-time produce (peaches- I’m looking at you!), another cocktail, and maybe some no-cook dinner ideas in case it is just so hot. We’ll celebrate a 4th birthday and have time at the beach. 

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/s0hmqbq The Little Girl:
She’s very very into swimming now and it is so fun to see. She keeps discovering things that she can do now that she’s “big”. She told her teachers she didn’t have goggles “when she was a little girl” and now she has some. Like always, she could eat her weight in cheese.

https://autismwish.org/e1tin1qtn The Big Guy:
He’s loved camps this summer. We found much better ones this year and he loves swimming and archery at one and was into the classes the teachers have at another camp held at school. His motion sickness has been off the charts, and being physically tired and hot doesn’t help.

https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/mdboldv3a Goals:
go to link Year of nail polish! I got this aqua one in the very end of June but didn’t use it until July but I didn’t love it.
follow url More international food inspiration: nope.
https://living4youboutique.com/7726a3w1 More soups/salads: we had caesar a few times, does that count?
Purchase Tramadol Cod More apps: nope.
follow site More fun drinks: Yes! Strawberry Lemonade Cocktail with Basil, and I had (iced) tea time most days while I was home.
go to link Updating photos: not this month
https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/90x5dm9 What I’m reading: Sure did! I read Counterfeit which was very fun and fast paced. Bookclub read The Underground Railroad and I loved it – so creative. I read a YA book, The Henna Wars, that I didn’t love, but maybe the YAs would?
https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/n8vx38g What I’m watching: Great Food Truck Race
https://geneticsandfertility.com/ob0fpyy What I’m listening to: I blew through Land of the Giants and have listened to most seasons – the food delivery season was the best.


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