January 2018 Recap

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https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/eewgclzeyp January brought the new year and I feel ready for 2018! More importantly, January meant our little man turned 3! I can’t believe it! We had a fun birthday party with a waffle bar! I meant to blog it and really wanted to, but being in the moment, not rushing to prep before the fam arrived, and paying attention to the birthday boy were all more important. https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/1b0b1m854 IMG_4314 see url I’m totally into jazzed up hot chocolate. I made a Hot Chocolate with Raspberry and White Chocolate. So good. It started when NYE was just too cold for our traditional milkshakes so we went for hot chocolate with toppings. I have more ideas ahead, stay tuned! The Three Bite Rule - Hot Chocolate w/ Raspberry & White Chocolate
#MeatlessMondays are a thing here for the last few months so I did a meatless Monday round up.

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https://etbscreenwriting.com/be5zktp6q I was really excited to make this Cheeseburger Layer Dip, especially in time for the superbowl!
The Three Bite Rule - Cheeseburger Dip

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The Little One:

https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/2ew0fuz7meg He’s so big! He was proud to show his new age with his fingers. He was pretty amped up during his family party and after his nap he was so much calmer and focused. We’ve been playing a lot of trains and play doh. I was glad we could capitalize on any days that weren’t too cold. Getting outside is so important. Food-wise, he was into tacos and a dinner of white bean/tomato/spinach with polenta.

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This year’s goals: 

source Year of the candle: Yup, mint chocolate candle for this chilly month. 
Cook more appetizers/snacks:
Yes! I made 2! I made caesar deviled eggs and cheeseburger layer dip!  
Taking time to blog thoughtfully: 
Journal the cute moments of my little one: Yes, I’ve noted a few amusing comments- often a “did you know that” or “I didn’t know that”
What I’m reading: 
 I read Necessary Lies and zoomed through it. I’m pretty far into my next one. 
What I’m watching: 
This is Us, the Superbowl (for the snacks), and The Amazing Race. We watched a few movies: Stronger & Battle of the Sexes.

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