Gettin’ Crafty 1

I was so excited about my many pinned projects but I couldn’t share these with you until I gave them to their lucky recipients. I made coasters for my bridesmaids  as part of their gifts.
The coasters were SUPER easy. Also very inexpensive. They’d make a really quick weekend project so get to work.


Buy Cheap Tramadol Cod 4 ceramic tiles (16 cents per piece)
1 piece of scrapbook paper (32 cents per piece, reversible if possible or wrapping paper)
modge podge & sponge brush
acrylic spray
16 self adheasive furniture protective footers, or 8 cut in halves (or small squares of felt)


follow link Cut scrapbook paper for each tile. I did 2 coasters with a square and 2 coasters with the design carefully cut out.
Lay everything out and modge podge over it.
Let dry, and repeat (don’t forget the edges)
Let dry, and spray with acrylic spray
When dry, apply the furniture protective footers to each bottom corner I thought these were fun and very easy. The longest part of the project was letting them dry! Supplies were cheap and I assume I’ll use the modge podge and acrylic spray again on other items.
My sis/maid-of-honor got something else and requested some coasters for xmas. She’ll be really surprised to open some…wink, wink.

Tramadol Mastercard Fedex I saw huge tiles that screamed “I want to be a kitchen table trivet”. Maybe it will get that chance.

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