Deeeeep Dish Pizza

The hunt has been on for deep dish pizza since I went to Chicago in June of 2010. I can’t believe it is so hard to fine. There’s a fake out in Central Square Cambridge called Chicago Pizza. Not at all like any pizza I saw in Chicago.

When I discovered I could buy pizzas frozen from Lou Malnati’s I got a deep dish pizza for my sister’s birthday AND I got Mr. J a deep dish pan for Christmas.The frozen one was pretty good but I made one and it brought me back to Giordanos. It was very exciting to make a good one!!


refrigerated pizza dough
2 tbs pesto, if desired
2 links chicken sausage, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 cups shredded mozerella
1 ½ cup tomato sauce
4 tbs grated Parmesan cheese


Prehead oven to 400 degrees. Chop fulled cooked chicken sausage (I used sun dried tomato sausage) and brown in a skillet until crisp. Remove and lightly cook green pepper. (I know everyone knows how to saute but how cute is the cast iron skillet pot holder Mum made for me?!?)
deep_dish_potholder_290_200 Generously spray pan and press dough into the bottom and up the sides. Make a few fork pricks on the bottom and spread with pesto if desired. Chicken sausage doesn’t have much fat so I wanted to assure there was enough moisture.
deep_dish_dough_290_200 Layer sausage, then green peppers, then cheese. Cheese in between layers makes it even more cheesy! Shimmy the “filling” and press everything to settle and leave room for it to rise a bit.
deep_dish_assemb_290_200 Spread top with sauce for the authentic Chicago deep dish look. Bake for 30-40 minutes until edges are golden. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes. It is tempting to cut into it early but it will really crumble. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.
deep_dish_baked_290_200 We LOVE LOVE LOVED it. So good! It didn’t stay together perfectly but was mouth watering. The crust was doughy and crisp enough. Some recipes advised cooking it on top of a pizza stone for a crisper bottom. I recently acquired one but I forgot this tip…until next time.

I worried the sauce could make everything watery or soggy but it didn’t! Every ingredient behaved perfectly.

The pan is $20 online. It is a 9 inch aluminum pan, similar to a circular cake pan. I was surprised how lightweight it was but that’s the key. I saw online that some use a cast iron skillet but the weight is extremely different.

There will be more deep dish pizzas in my future.

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