Cruisin’ to Bahamas 1

Buy Generic Tramadol Online On the cruise to the Bahamas, sis and I had some some tasty meals!

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Cheap Tramadol Fedex Overnight I started with chipotle shrimp with tempura zucchini strings. The shrimp had a good smoky flavor. I would have liked it as my whole meal! follow link cruise_shrimp_290_200 Sis started with the onion soup. She thought it was OK but the fried onions on the top lost their crunch. cruise_onionsoup_290_200 She had salad for the next course and I had a weird one. I had spicy pineapple salad. It had fresh pineapple, red pepper, and tomatoes. cruise_pineapple_290_200 here Next for the main course, I had a pork chop with sweet potato and apple. Sound familiar? It was good, but huge! There were about four green beans hidden underneath. Tramadol Pills Online cruise_pork_290_200Sis got the chef’s special roasted chicken. It makes me want to roast a chicken as a right of passage in the kitchen. This one wasn’t a photogenic as it looked in person. source url cruise_chicken_290_200 We both got a chocolate moose dessert. The couple next to us described it as a chocolate peep. It wasn’t good. It was a waste of calories. Didn’t it look good though? source cruise_dessert_290_200

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