Blueberry Pie Smoothie 0

Tramadol Online Nz {originally published in 2014 and updated in 2024} Spring is in the air so smoothies are back on the menu. I rarely make them when it is cold so I’m back to it now that temps are rising. I made this Blueberry Pie Smoothie back in 2014 and thought it deserved a bit of a refresh – and lots of ways to make it your own.

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Order Tramadol 100Mg Online Tramadol Purchase Uk BlueBerry Pie Smoothie see url Ingredients: (serves 2) 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup baby spinach (mine was frozen) Purchase Tramadol Online Cheap 3/4 cup yogurt Online Tramadol Overnight Delivery 1/2-1 banana 2/3 cup milk 2 graham crackers – missing from the photo! (or see below for swaps!)

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Blueberry Pie Smoothie Redo - The Three BIte Rule follow site Directions: Order Tramadol Cash On Delivery Add ingredients to a blender – if you anticipate it having more chunks than you’d like, first blend the greens, milk, yogurt and add in the blueberries, banana, and graham crackers after.

follow site Pour in a splash of water if too thick! follow Enjoy! go here The graham cracker in there was a new one for me. I love how much it changed the smoothie to totally seem like pie. Anytime blueberries are going in, so do some greens. They are undetectable and make it just a richer purple! No spinach? Add any greens you like. Or frozen cauliflower for added fiber and thickness.
No graham crackers? Swap for nuts or wheat germ, oats, or some cereal.
Always add any ground flax seed, protein powder, or whatever you like.
No banana? Swap for avocado or pear, or skip!

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follow url Our absolute go-to one is this peanut butter & jelly inspired smoothie with blueberries, pb/pb protein powder, or I love this chocolate cherry smoothie.