Bacon, Butternut Squash and Gouda Pizza

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follow link I had an idea for a fall inspired pizza once I saw a good lookin’ pizza on Flying On Jess Fuel. Her pizza had bacon, gouda, apples, and caramelized onions. How delicious does that sound?! I also saw an awesome one on We Are Not Marta with pumpkin crust topped with prosciutto and brussels sprouts. I had a few fall flavors I thought would be good and it seemed like it’d be an ideal use for some butternut squash I had roasted. Bing, bam, boom. get link fall_pizza_plate_590_390

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Ingredients: pizza dough go here ¼ tsp dried thyme follow site ¼ tsp nutmeg ½ cup shredded mozzarella click ½ roasted butternut squash 1 cup sliced gouda 4 strips of thick cut bacon


follow Preheat the oven (and pizza stone if using one) to 400-degrees. click here While oven is heating, fry bacon until almost cooked (it keeps cooking when on top the pizza). fall_pizza_bacon_590_390 Ordering Tramadol From Mexico Pre-bake the pizza dough for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle mozzarella, thyme, and nutmeg on top after removing from the oven. Spread the mashed butternut squash onto the dough. fall_pizza_layer_590_390
Top with sliced gouda.
fall_pizza_cheese_590_390Finish with bacon.
Bake 20-30 minutes until melted and crisp.

follow site I liked it. I think the gouda is nicely nutty and the quash layer provides a great moisture layer. I liked the crisp bacon in contrast to the soft squash.
fall_pizza_slices_590_390 It was good. This fall pizza was a nice combo of flavors I’m glad I didn’t go bananas topping it with everything I thought might go. Sometimes I go pizza-topping-overboard. I can’t help it!


follow Psssst: get ready! I have a new series launching later this week. Stay tuned!

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