Most quiches I’ve made seem to nicely straddle the line of brunch/breakfast/light lunch. This one takes a firm stand at lunch/dinner. Maybe it is the lack of bacon I often/always add into quiche, but the sun dried tomatoes seem to take it away from breakfast to lunch/dinner for me. I made this to be lunch for a few days but I froze a serving so I don’t over-do it with the same thing on repeat. More on my new lunch tactics to come!
Mushroom & Sun Dried Tomato Quiche (serves 4-5)
1 pie crust, defrosted
1 teaspoon butter
~1 1/2 cups mushrooms (I mixed crimini, portabello, shiitake)
1 tablespoon cooking Sherry
2 tablespoons sun dried tomatoes, chopped
4 eggs
3/4 cup milk/cream
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese
1/2 cup shredded fontina cheese
Preheat the oven to 350-degrees.
Par-bake the crust in a 9″ pie pan, with a few fork holes poked into it, according to package directions.
In a medium saute pan over medium heat, melt butter and add in the mushrooms to cook for ~3 minutes. Add salt & pepper and stir well. Add in the sherry to deglaze and cook for 2 more minutes. Then remove from the heat.
Whisk together the eggs, milk, cream of tartar, and salt & pepper.
Layer cheeses, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and repeat so everything will be evenly distributed.
Then pour the egg mixture into the crust – mine had so much filling that I had a little egg mixture leftover.
Bake at 350-degrees for 35 minutes.
Allow to fully cool before slicing.
The cheeses & mushrooms could have been in any format for me to love them, but paired with egg was spot on. I went full-in on the filling- just how I like it. It wasn’t dainty, but I cut into 4ths to be very solid lunch meals at work then I froze one to pull out another time when I’m out of ideas.
Another perk of any quiche, is that much can be prepped in advance! I baked the crust, sauteed the mushrooms, shredded the cheeses and literally assembled- without the egg mixture, the night before. I was too tired to do the whole she-bang. In the morning, I whisked the eggs mixture, poured it in, and baked while our normal getting-ready things happened. Ohh, and I snapped a few pictures for you!
This quiche is my reminder that any fillings or flavors can go in a quiche, it makes a quick dinner during this busy season, and that it is so pack-able for lunch!