May 2021 Recap

This month has given us a peek at some light at the end of the tunnel! We have had both doses now and waiting out the timing. Tee-ball started and has been great. I love the time home to get outside and to work outside! I’m becoming a plant person from the buy-nothing group.

I made a Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad that was super fun! It was a lunch for me a few times and is a great chance for flavors I love but the rest of the fam doesn’t care about. I loaded it with arugula and some good flavor.

The Three Bite Rule - Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad

For breakfast, we had some Banana Pancakes with Nutella Whipped Cream. It was such a fantastic pairing. For some shocking unknown reason, the kids were anti-banana pancakes. I still don’t get it. The nutella whipped cream is delightful and is delicious even by itself.

The Three Bite Rule - Banana Pancakes with Nutella Whipped Cream

Crispy Fish with Poppyseed Slaw came from wanting to turn the crispy fish we like into something besides tacos! The slaw is sooo simple – take that tip to make your summer sides easier.

The Three Bite Rule - Crispy Fish with Poppyseed Slaw

June will be bananas at work- the end of the fiscal year is always a lot. We made some summer plans so that has me feeling hopeful. I’m not sure what’s ahead for meals – likely a lot of grilling!

The Little Girl:
She is zooming on the balance bike. The other side of the street got new sidewalk and she loves riding on it. She turns this little deep voice during meals to say “it is very very good”. She’s been eating pretty well and her weight check was great. A unicorn book from the library has been a recent fav.

The Big Guy:
We read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and he loved it. Seeing his eyes open wide and his excitement warmed my heart. He jumped right into playing and now is chatting with kids and has embraced it. Gosh, they just love the dirt. He’s still 24/7 on the granola/fig bars for breakfast.

Year of the fun mail! I mailed a quick thank you note to the sweet teacher who welcomes C during the outside music class. I also sent along a birthday card to a blogger I follow who is adopting a teen – this gal hasn’t ever lived anywhere that should really get mail except through a social worker and the blogger’s followers FLOODED her with cards. It was fun to be part of!
More breakfasts: Banana Pancakes with Nutella Whipped Cream!
Lunches coordinated or prepped in advance: I’ve been into bfast for lunch (like eggs!) and Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad
I’d like to get the house a bit neater: ehh. I’m not sure I did much here
Bullet journal – still keeping a meals list.
What I’m reading: I finished My Year Abroad– mostly in April but finished in May and didn’t care much about it. I read The Four Winds and absolutely loved it. Since it is the same timing, at bookclub we re-read Grapes of Wrath and it isn’t great. I zipped through You Too? and it was really great. This Close to Okay was a captivating one. Wow, that’s a lot!
What I’m Watching: We tried out Farmhouse Fixer and it is so fun! We’re also into $50K 3 Ways.

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