May 2018 Recap

I feel like I got verrrrry pregnant this past week. 31 weeks in, ~9 to go! We had a fun long weekend with the family from Maine staying over and then the local family for a birthday/memorial day bbq. This month Mr. J and I had a date at a new-to-us restaurant and we all went to our fav Chinese restaurant we don’t get to all the time.

This month I was really into this coconut shrimp. Ohh it was just so good. I haven’t made it since but really need to work it into my next meal plan. Sweet but crunchy as well as juicy and fresh.
The Three Bite Rule - Coconut Shrimp Tacos with Mango Salsa
Baking itsn’t always my jam but I made Mint Chip Coconut Macaroons and was worried when some liquid kind of spread out but they turned out great!
The Three Bite Rule - Mint Chip Macaroons
Grain Bowls are a go-to for me so I rounded up a bunch.

The Little One:

He’s 100% potty trained. I’ve considered him trained for months, but now he is even at night time. Woot woot! He has been doing a great job listening and I appreciate that so much. I’m trying to capitalize, vocalize, and praise how appreciative I am. Aside from going outside, we’ve played a lot of magna-tiles and dinos this month. Breakfast sausage has been a hit with him this month. He’s been learning about insects and spiders at pre-school and always has been sharing a lot of facts.

Bump Update:

7 1/2 months in! I passed the glucose test, which was pretty expected, but great nonetheless. I’m much more uncomfortable and still sleep is what it is. Overall I’ve been feeling ok, just more tired lately. I keep thinking I want avocado and then when I get them home, I’m not really into it. All I want is what I can’t have: sandwiches & caffeine.

This Year’s Goals:

Year of the candle: I didn’t get one in May. I was enjoying my last few and didn’t think I reallllly needed one.   
Cook more appetizers/snacks:
I made honey mustard dip for soft pretzels
Taking time to blog thoughtfully: 
ehh, this wasn’t really something I focused on.
Journal the cute moments of my little one: I’ve enjoyed his way of suggesting something: I was thinking maybe we should go outside?
What I’m reading: 
 I read The Hate U Give and thought it was really well written as a YA novel. 
What I’m watching: 
we watched The Post which was fantastic. Free press is so crucial.

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