July Recap

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/6xf4ibzz 0

Real Tramadol Online As July comes to a close it makes me feel like the summer is zooming by. July was #hothothot and I wouldn’t mind if that was the hottest we see this summer. It definitely got me thinking of meals not requiring a ton of cooking or the oven.

https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/8zgz1se7u3l July seemed to have the right amount of social festivities and downtime to hang at home and do as I please. I got my butt in gear and upped my workouts a bit. I survived just a few bootcamp sessions and I fit in some better workouts. I’m trying to pretend that I don’t hate running.

https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/6o80phh July unfortunately ended a seizure-free record streak for our pup Windsor. He hadn’t had one since Christmas and then he had a rough couple of days.

https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/5a6b03op9t This month also involved a sad farewell to the R family pup. Piccadilly lived to 13.5 years old and was a beloved member of the family. I cooked some bacon for him because when you’re 94 in dog years, you should have anything you want.
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https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/1f11gs7566 My tastes have been quite varied, so hopefully you all enjoyed some different posts this month.

https://autismwish.org/gmfeincb3d The easiest thing I made this month was cinnamon roll waffles:
On anything-goes dinner night I whipped up a seemingly random combo of ingredients which ended up as a chilled Shrimp and Couscous Salad that was stellar!
I made a bevy to beat the heat. It was a pinky Passion Fruit tea and Lemonade. It was delightful.

source site After sooning over the idea of a trip to Paris and we made it happen! We booked an anniversary trip to Paris & Prague so I announced that with some Bacon & Leek Crepes if you’re feeling Francais.
The most popular post this month was a quickie Italian Grilled Cheese with 2 cheeses and breaded eggplant. It was delicious and I like to pretend that the many views mean lots of readers made it themselves.
We’ll see what August has in store. Definitely a sangria recipe I owe you and some ice cream recipes. Maybe something red for the Bachelorette finale. Any suggestions?

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