January 2015 Recap

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Tramadol Prescriptions Online Woah. Happy almost-February. Mr. J and I are PARENTS. Woah! Crazy! Our babe is just the cutest. Seriously, he’s cuter than any other baby than I have ever seen. I’m allowed to say that…I think. I was due January 9th and our beautiful boy was born January 16th. It felt like we waited forever at the end and finally he was here. We’re just soaking up every move he makes and trying to get the hang of this parenting thing. We’ve been enjoying some freezer staples and capitalizing on leftovers. January didn’t involve many new ground-breaking recipes but was good practice to work through the freezer and figure out what’s around and what we have time for. https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/n0dafbh2y5 10945637_602462435088_299184052308469576_n

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enter site Now, the food, before I was a week overdue… https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/b3dw4nxuhw One of the fun things I kicked off the month with was a cornbread waffle that I put leftover chili onto. So fun. I’ll definitely do this again. https://brako.com/en/6g4mv0ab The Three Bite Rule - Chili over Cornbread Waffles


source url The sliders are arguably the most fun menu of January. Part of the fun was the spontaneity but what’s better than sliders, frappes, a fire roaring, and watching the ball drop until dozing off on the couch. https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/t58z2aph The Three Bite Rule - Burger Sliders enter I improved Stuffed Shells with my fav freezer ingredient. https://www.inaxorio.com/ll0so517 The Three Bite Rule - Better Stuffed Shells Ordering Tramadol From India I made up my own Sweedish-ish meatballs. I liked how easy it was to add some flavors I don’t have all the time and would mess around with meatballs again. https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/zh19o49 The Three Bite Rule - Swedish Meatballs source link Maybe Mr. J and I will be coordinated enough to whip up something fun for the Superbowl. We’ll see. I have a hankering for potato skins or mini layered Mexican dips, but it is all up to Baby T.  I’m really just in it for the snacks, but being one of the local teams does make it a bit more interesting.


Tramadol Overnight Shipping Visa enter site 2015 Goals: these pseudo-resolutions will likely be quite loose while Mr. J and I get our footing as parents. source link year of the earring: was a little distraction for a good 15 minutes of by past-my-due-date impatience, purchased via Etsy.


Order Tramadol 100Mg Online il_570xN.452467536_grt1 https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/9onwql8r make more salad dressings: ehh. making/eating salads might be the first step before thinking I’ll make my own dressing right now. factor more time into how long every-day tasks/trips will take: this will prob be my goal for the rest of my life
recreate restaurant menu items:something funky on a waffle iron came from a restaurant idea!
be more adventurous with my reading selections: I did get back to my book just the other day but I’m not sure I love it. “All the Light We Cannot See”…reccomendations to stick with it?
use the crockpot more: ehh, not yet, but this seems doable for one-handed cooking/nap-time cooking
#seafoodsunday once a month: not really, but I made some shrimp tacos the other night…does it count if I don’t blog it?
