Hot Diggity Dog Pizza

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source link Get ready for this. We put hot dogs onto pizza, swirled it with ketchup and mustard, and it was SO FUN!

The Three Bite Rule - Hot Dog Pizza

see url This is in the “special” pizza category – we make pizzas often and have 2 or 3 pizzas at a time so this was fun AND we had some more traditional ones because: balance.
go to site Hot Diggity Pizza
Ingredients: (for 1 small, 14″ pizza)

1/2 pizza dough (to room temperature)
1/4 cup tomato sauce (or crushed tomatoes)
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1-2 hot dogs, sliced into thin coins
2 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons mustard

go site Directions:
Preheat a pizza oven or pizza stone.
Spread or roll out dough and top with tomato sauce, cheese, and hot dogs.
The Three Bite Rule - Hot Dog Pizza

source link Bake/broil until crust browns and hot dogs crisp (in our pizza oven that’s ~90 seconds, in a kitchen oven it would be ~20 minutes).
Drizzle with ketchup and mustard and enjoy!

Order Tramadol Cod
The Three Bite Rule - Hot Dog Pizza This was really fun. I probably wouldn’t make it all the time but it feels enjoyable on occasion, amongst a bunch of pizzas, and for that pesky hotdog package doesn’t match roll quantity conundrum.
