Greek Veggie Pizza

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follow site I always wonder if I’ll ever run out of pizza toppings ideas. So far so good! I came up with this Greek pizzas as a meatless dinner idea. It was a hit! greek_pizza_slice_590_390

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Ingredients: 2 zucchini go to site 1 cup artichokes source url 2 cloves garlic, chopped source url 2 tsp dried oregano go pizza dough click ⅓ cup pizza sauce follow site 8 oz shredded mozzarella source link 1 tomato, sliced Tramadol Uk Buy ¾ cup feta, crumbled 2 cups spinach, chopped

Directions: Preheat oven to 400-degrees (also preheat pizza stone if using one) Saute zucchini, artichokes, and garlic over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until zucchini is softened, but not squishy. go to site Add salt, pepper, and oregano. greek_pizza_zucc_590_390
Pre-bake the pizza dough for 5-10 minutes until it starts to puff, and begins to cook around the edges.
Top with pizza/marinara sauce and mozzarella
Spread tomato slices across the base.
Sprinkle the zucchini/artichoke mixture on the top.
Finally top with feta before baking the pizza.
Bake 10 minutes in the preheated 400-degree oven.
After baking for the first round, top with spinach to bake for another 10 minutes (or until golden brown).

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go to link I loved the freshness of the veggies, and the textures of the 2 cheeses. The feta gives the perfect salty component.

Order Tramadol Next Day Delivery There’s very little sauce on this pizza, but the tomatoes provide some moisture too. There are so many veggies on here but I think the quantities were just right. They make it feel filling. The spinach was gently wilted but still had life to it. I was afraid of being “too much” but Mr. J said he’d like even more artichokes.

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