Festivus Brunch

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Cheap Tramadol Online I thought you might need some eye candy on this Monday. Feast on this! I went to a brunch hosted by some fun ladies and I have to say, I was totally impressed. Not that I expected anything less from these gals who host some pretty rockin’ parties, but this was one for the lesson books. I think everyone can take some brunch pointers from them. It was so convenient that they had a brunch. At a time of year where there are get-togethers and cocktail parties all the time the brunch was really refreshing and fit into my schedule perfectly. Now, onto the lesson!


Rule 1: Choose quality products.

go to link They had some high quality bread by the toaster rather than the expected bagels. https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/sxkz9qq brunch_bread_590_390 https://geneticsandfertility.com/cisklqf The sky is the limit for the hot chocolate bar and they had all the best additions here brunch_cocoa_590_390

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https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/yubeu280 This strata had gruyere, mushrooms, and spinach. Wonderful choice of interesting ingredients! Tramadol Hcl Online brunch_strata_590_390


Rule 2: Know your strengths/Use what you have.

Tramadol Cheap Online If you make fantastic quiches all the time, why not serve ’em? This one is tomato, basil, goat cheese and is delectable! brunch_quiche_590_390
One of these ladies bakes regularly whipped up bakery-quality muffins and frosted them.

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Ordering Tramadol Online Illegal Call in an expert to make their specialty dish. If you’ve ever had Mrs. P’s coffee cake you’d know what I was talkin’ about.


Rule 3: Concentrate on a few special (yet do-able) distinctive touches.

click here Of course there was a butter snowflake

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https://geneticsandfertility.com/ma3gl59dq Their resident baker has the best cake decorations…especially for gingerbread muffins
They served a pretty memorable jam selection


Rule 4: Keep ’em happy with some variety

https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/b7huiru40 What a fun treat for a non-breakfast person? Also a beverage option for anyone not wanting to spike their cocoa/coffee.


go to site I missed photos of the bacon, tator tots, and ham and egg in a crockpot. See what I told ya about their variety!?!

source site

https://www.inaxorio.com/ccapvrzu P.S. I brought some ebilskiver with candycane centers!

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