Farro & Arugula Salad with Blueberries & Watermelon

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This salad lunch has all. the. things. After the buffalo chicken nachos, we were due for something healthier and summery, right? Balance is the name of the game.

It has a grain to be really filling and some greens for freshness and fruit for a pop of summer. I’m not enthused about meal-salads with just a bunch of greens. An hour later I’d be hungry.  I made a batch of farro to also use in a dinner and it could easily swap with brown rice, cracked wheat, lentils, quinoa, or whatever you like/have leftover! Swap the greens for your favorite too, the arugula just holds up so well.


https://serenityspaonline.com/fhli1b099x This salad works great as a meal – mine was lunch, or it’d be a great side or even a snack for those times you’re starving and know you’d like to make a good choice.

The Three Bite Rule - Farro & Blueberry Salad


Farro & Arugula Salad with Summer Fruits

Ingredients: (for 1 meal or 2 sides)

Buy Xanax In Mexico 3/4 cup prepared farro (or grain of your choosing) 1/2 cup blueberries https://modaypadel.com/cbe72vzps8 2 cups arugula (or greens of your choosing) Buy Xanax Legally Online ~2-3 slices of watermelon 2-3 tablespoons vinaigrette dressing (I used my fav Italian Dressing)

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Chop the watermelon into bite size pieces and the arugula just once through. http://www.wowogallery.com/q87udqpnv The Three Bite Rule - Farro & Blueberry Salad https://masterfacilitator.com/tlsjmb2pk8f Mix the farro, arugula, blueberries, and dressing to coat, then lightly toss in the watermelon. The Three Bite Rule - Farro & Blueberry Salad https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/o6iacy51nnr Enjoy!


Buy Cheap Roche Valium This has great balance. I used allllll the arugula I had or I would have loaded in more. This was so fresh and actually filling. With so few ingredients this one is a winner to me. I’d pack this for lunch at work, keeping the watermelon & dressing separate until actually eating.  I really wanted radishes in here but I didn’t find any at the grocery store and my farmer’s market is just opening. That super crunch would be great! I purposely went meatless but I can’t help but think grilled chicken would go well too! Buy Soma 350 Mg The Three Bite Rule - Farro & Blueberry Salad


