Chocolate Almond Smoothie 0

see url If the start of 2021 has you feeling crummy and seeking positive choices, this smoothie is perfect! It is DELICIOUS but also full of good stuff. I tend not to make many in the winter, so, enjoy this one!

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The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Almond Smoothie

see This one is a meal – I’m going for protein & fiber and wanted to hit fruit and dairy here. This can be downgraded to a snack by skipping the yogurt, adding a bit more water, and serving as 4 smaller portions. Purchase Tramadol Cod go to link Chocolate Almond Smoothie see Ingredients: (serves 2-3) 1 frozen banana (or 1 cup frozen cauliflower) enter site 1 cup vanilla yogurt Tramadol Cheap 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (or 1 tablespoon cocoa powder) go site 2 teaspoons ground flaxseed (optional) see url 1/4 teaspoon almond extract click here 1 – 1 1/2 cups almond milk Tramadol Online Uk 1/2 cup water a few ice cubes Directions: click here Add frozen banana/cauliflower, yogurt, chocolate protein powder/cocoa powder, ground flaxseed, almond extract, milk, water, and ice to a blender.

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The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Almond Smoothie Blend & enjoy!
The Three Bite Rule - Chocolate Almond Smoothie

go I loved this! I was a bit heavy handed with the almond extract the first time – so use with caution and measure. It totally brings a unique flavor – especially if you don’t loooove protein powder. Mint extract would be a good alternative too! My fav protein powder is Amazing Grass brand, especially peanut butter or vanilla. Any chocolate-ish smoothie could definitely include/hide frozen greens. I almost did but I also wanted to keep it simple. Go for it – you won’t taste or see some frozen baby spinach in there! My all-time fav smoothie is this PB&J Smoothie so if you got a new blender, this one is a winner and often the only one I make!

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