April 2020 Recap

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watch Some moments I can’t believe how time is moving and other times we feel like we’ve been home for-ev-er. We’re hanging in there. We are very settled into a routine. Working and caring for the kids at the same time is no joke. I know I’m moving much more and getting more time outside. Mr. J has already tackled a lot of building and yard projects. I’m sad for our pre-schooler who won’t get to see his classmates and teacher again. Our toddler does not notice anything out of the ordinary. We’re lucky- safe, healthy, some job security, access to what we need. Mr. J and I think about what’s working and where the silver linings are.


get link Inspiration in the kitchen ebbs and wanes. Many of our dinners are centered around what we can access and what’s quick and easy after juggling work and kids. Breakfasts and lunches are pretty similar to our usual offerings.


https://living4youboutique.com/8cssohi9z I made a Chicken Bacon Cheddar, and Ranch Risotto. This is sooo good. I love risotto in the pressure cooker but any rice or grain with ranch seasoning and bacon. We had a few panko crusted chicken tenders from the freezer and a few chicken thighs so it was a mix and match scenario. enter site The Three Bite Rule - Chicken, Bacon, Cheddar & Ranch Risotto https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/0n31pjl1b A meal I was probably most surprised by was a White Bean & Sausage Soup. Our instacart order substituted spicy sausage and I didn’t know how well that would go over with anyone else so I made it as soup for myself. I loved it and will have to repeat this asap. Cheap Tramadol By Cod The Three Bite Rule - White Bean & Sausage Soup https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/spxkp6rr For Easter breakfast I made a Fluffernutter Baked French Toast. It was perfect before hunting for eggs! https://bxscco.com/kr6r2ljyo6d The Three Bite Rule - Fluffernutter Baked French Toast see url We got an outdoor pizza oven so we’ve had a few pizza nights so far. I think we’ve worked out the timing and we are ohh-so obsessed. I’m sure there will be some to post here for any way to make pizza. I’m not sure what else we’re in the mood for. We’re getting take out to support our fav local spots and to treat ourselves. I love the zoom get-togethers I’ve had with a few circles but tire of back to back zoom meetings.


The Preschooler Boy:

https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/z3bn3gbnu He misses school and it breaks my heart. He grew so much to be brave and meet new people so it is sad to end the year like this. He is happy to be home and actually loves not going anywhere, but he thinks about school a lot. In terms of school, we aim for him to color, cut, draw, or write each day. I’ve created themes for each would-be-school-day. Some are better than others. Good: Squirrel Day! & Plants/Garden Day! & Ocean Day! Lame-ish: ABC day wasn’t amazing. Zoo day was ehh. He leans towards perfectionism but when we power through in a craft or project he likes it. He’s riding his bike without training wheels and is doing great! We showed him Reading Rainbow and he loves it as much as I do! Food-wise, he’s loving huge raw carrots he can just hold and bite. Lunch is always a strong meal and dinner can go either way.


The Toddler Girl:

Order Tramadol 50Mg Online She’s just so happy and easy-going. She has so many words! I love seeing her play more. She can see what her big brother is doing and play that with him. She loves being outside and will now happily wear her bike helmet. She loves books and has lots of stuffed animals in her bed. We’re operating a one-in, one-out for stuffed critters. She loves playing at the play kitchen and slicing wooden veggies. I’m so thankful she loves ridding in the stroller so much. Food-wise, she looooves oatmeal, cheese, cooked veggies, and turkey sandwiches.


This Year’s Goals:

Tramadol For Sale Online Cod Year of beauty/selfcare Yes!! I got this pulsing face-scrubber which is so fun! source Prep intentional sides and veggies: Ehh. Not really Buying Tramadol Online Reviews Eat more fish: Salmon! https://www.inaxorio.com/tw1r0ivf Blog some series: Nah. All bets are off right now. go to site Focus decluttering/organizing to an area: Hmm. We’ve been a bit neater since we’re home 24-7. Does that count? https://autismwish.org/dfhq04r6 Share more books on instagram: Yes! I’ve been reading a lot and sharing them. follow Prioritize workouts: I’m wrapping up a cardio one called T25. I’m kind of bored with it by the end now, but they are really great workouts and I like following the calendars/schedules for each online class. We are taking a lot of walks and I’ve gone running about once a week or so. https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/46u9ayit7v What I’m reading: I read City of Girls and loved it! The complex characters were just what I needed. A Spark of Light goes chronologically backwards but the intense topics are now what I think of from Jodi Picoult. I went through Ask Again, Yes but didn’t love it as much as the others this month.  Order Tramadol 50Mg Online What I’m listening to: only the occasional podcast – Bad on Paper & What’s Gaby Cooking What I’m watching: We’re sad that Schitt’s Creek will be over so we’re only creeping to the finale. We got really into “Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies” on CNN.

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