3 Bite Slurp

https://equinlab.com/2024/01/18/cjokw26 0


I wanted to introduce you to a little bite…something I discover and enjoy but isn’t quite a recipe or review…

Buy Xanax Aus The other day as I was running errands near work I stopped to peruse the books on sale outside Boarders bookstore. What did I come upon? A cafe barista/server (is it only Starbucks who calls them baristas?) giving out free samples.


https://manabernardes.com/2024/vxoh7sgg7lm bite_boarders_290_200

https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/y2irvltj5ea I don’t mind if I do! How darn cute is it?! I had to include my awkward hand so you can see the size.