Zucchini Risotto Boats

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This isn’t going to be my signature dish. Really. I’m not being modest. This wasn’t great and I’m not sure where it went wrong. That can be where you come in…Thoughts? Suggestions?

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https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/0hgvnx9y I saw this on the menu of Local 149 (and it is still on their menu) so people must like it, right?

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https://equinlab.com/2024/01/18/zl8nmlr 2 zucchinis https://www.ngoc.org.uk/uncategorized/future-events/58y6jv8 1 cup arborio rice Buy Xanax 3Mg Bars 1 cup broth (chicken or veggie) https://manabernardes.com/2024/jrt5rkd 1 cup white wine 1/2 cup grated Parmesan 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley shredded mozzarella or Parmesan to sprinkle over the top



https://masterfacilitator.com/1f9dn4nspj Prepare the risotto: toast the rice; warm the broth with the wine together; incrementally add the liquid to the rice until absorbed and continue adding until the rice is fully cooked. https://masterfacilitator.com/4o60bc53 While the risotto cooks, preheat the oven to 375-degrees, half the zucchinis, and place skin-side down on a baking sheet. https://gungrove.com/5wliapy6 Bake the zucchini for 15 minutes. https://therepairstore.ca/misp9fzn Add in Parmesan, chopped parsley, salt and pepper to the risotto and remove from the heat. The Three Bite Rule - Zucchini Boats https://sieterevueltas.net/qmois6u3 Remove the zucchini from the oven and scrape out the inside fleshy part of the zucchini to form the boats. The Three Bite Rule - Zucchini Boats https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/tp3542d6uf Chop up the inner fleshy parts and add to the risotto. https://mmopage.com/news/qukr9lnf Spoon the risotto into the boats. The Three Bite Rule - Zucchini Boats
Bake for 10 minutes, then top with shredded Parmesan or mozzarella.
Return to the oven until the cheese melts.
The Three Bite Rule - Zucchini Boats
I thought this would be so good! It was OK. It wasn’t great. I served it alongside some chicken sausage and dinner just seemed lackluster. I like the risotto. I didn’t really care that cutting the zucchini meant the risotto sort of fell out. The zucchini seemed like a good texture. The risotto wasn’t the creamiest I’ve ever made, but it tasted good.


It wasn’t like I had an amazing dish I’m comparing to from a great chef. What gives? Am I just being nitpicky? They just don’t always turn out the way you plan. I cut my losses and tossed the leftovers when I accepted that we wouldn’t choose them amongst treasures in the fridge. I’ve been all about the bass desserts lately and I’ve been taking in the plethora of Christmas movies on TV so my spirits stayed merry & bright despite a dinner disappointment.