Meatloaf Burger 0


follow Mr. J loves meatloaf so this was inspired for him! It was a perfect early-spring burger! There’s a bit of a decadence to this one- it isn’t light or subtle. It is juicy and flavored with caramelized onions and topped with a brown sugar ketchup, arugula, and crispy fried onions. The Three Bite Rule - Meatloaf Burger


Meatloaf Burger

Ingredients: (for 2) 1/2 yellow onion, chopped follow url 1/2 pound ground pork 1/4 cup breadcrumbs Tramadol Online Europe 1 tablespoon Italian Seasoning 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper see url 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce source site 1 egg 2 tablespoons ketchup follow 1 teaspoon brown sugar go here ~3/4 cup fried onions arugula follow link burger buns


see Sautee the onions in a little olive oil over low heat until golden and caramelized. source url Mix together the ground pork, onion, breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and egg. Tramadol Online Overnight Visa The Three Bite Rule - Meatloaf Burger Preheat the grill or warm a cast iron skillet.
Form into patties.
The Three Bite Rule - Meatloaf Burger
Cook until the middle reaches 150-degrees. Use a meat thermometer to ensure it doesn’t over cook!
While the burger cooks, mix up the ketchup and brown sugar.
In a dry skillet, fry the fried onions for about 2 minutes until toasted.
Serve the burgers with arugula, brown-sugar ketchup, and crispy onions.
Enjoy! The Three Bite Rule - Meatloaf Burger
We all liked this one! The preschooler eats a slider-sized burger and liked it. He started with his crunchy onions on the side but added them after eating a few – I think he wasn’t quite sure what they were. We all liked was how juicy this was! We had this with our fav broccoli salad.

go site Mix everything and form the patties in advance for a faster weeknight dinner. Momma was raving about burgers? tacos? something she used “meatloaf” mix for. That’d be great for this burger too!