Grilled Pork Tenderloin & Peach Cilantro Rice

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see You know when the all the stars align and your seemingly straightforward dinner wows you? This was that moment. I knew it was going to be good, and a nicely balanced meal, and pretty easy, but I didn’t really anticipate how much we’d all LOVE IT.

Tramadol Online Nz Excuse me while I pull out the ole soapbox. Get yourself a meat thermometer. Do not cook meat (especially pork!) without one. If you think you don’t love pork tenderloin then it miiiight be that you’ve only had it severely overcooked. Then it’s bland, boring, tough, and yuck. Mr. J marinated the pork for flavors of honey and lime. Then while he grilled it to perfection, I made some rice with peaches nectarines, lime juice, peach jam, red onion.

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Ingredients: 1 pork tenderloin
1/2 cup lime juice + 1 tablespoon
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup rice
1/4 red onion
1 peach/nectarine
~ 1 cup cilantro (1/2 bunch)
1/4 cup peach preserves

Directions: Marinade the pork in 1/2 cup lime juice, honey, & garlic powder for 4 hours refrigerated.
Get the rice cooking.
Grill flipping to cook each side. Grill to at least 145 degrees. Let it sit about 5 minutes after removing from the heat.
Chop the onion, nectarine, and cilantro and add into the cooked rice.
Add in 1 tablespoon lime juice and peach preserves. Mix well.
The Three Bite Rule - Pork & Rice
Slice the pork and serve with a sprinkle of cilantro over a bed of the rice.
Enjoy! We really did love this. I was so into the peaches with the pork with the onion. The babe couldn’t get enough pork. He had so much and just kept asking for more! Though, he wasn’t into it the next day as leftovers. He liked the rice being kind of sticky…it was much easier for him to spoon from his bowl.
The Three Bite Rule - Pork & Rice

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