Burger with Smoked Gouda, Bacon, and Peach Relish

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https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/eybdez9oqa6 This is, hands down, my biggest kitchen-win in awhile! We LOVED this burger. The smoked gouda was such an outstanding flavor and the peach added the right sweetness. The pretzel bun was just the icing on the cake! source url The Three Bite Rule - Burger with Smoked Gouda & Peach Relish


Gouda, Bacon, and Peach Burgers (for 2)


https://etbscreenwriting.com/5kcxlply 2 burgers https://brako.com/en/vbiav6r4u 2 pretzel buns https://thefooduntold.com/food-science/a08lkc68 3 strips of bacon Order Tramadol Overnight Delivery 1 peach Tramadol Online Prescription Uk 1/4 white onion (or red onion) https://etbscreenwriting.com/odk7drb3 1 teaspoon olive oil Tramadol Purchase Online 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or red wine vinegar) source site 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme Order Tramadol Overnight Online salt & pepper go here 2 slices smoked gouda https://autismwish.org/2sekhgelh Dijon mustard, optional



https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/b7zi74y Preheat the grill (or grill pan) for burgers and form the meat into patties. follow link Cut the bacon in half and pan fry until crisp then drain. go to site Dice the peach and onion pretty small, and mix with the oil, vinegar, thyme, and a sprinkle of salt & pepper. Shoot for a 2:1 ratio of peach to onion. see The Three Bite Rule - Burger with Smoked Gouda & Peach Relish watch Refrigerate until serving, while the burgers cook. go Grill the burgers until desired internal temperature. Mine was pork, Mr. J’s was beef. Top with the gouda and give ~2 minutes for it to melt – it needs longer than some other cheeses. Slice the buns and cut off some of the bun if it is too big for the burgers.
Spread some dijon mustard onto the buns, put the burger and melted gouda on, then top with bacon, then lastly with the peach relish.
The Three Bite Rule - Burger with Smoked Gouda & Peach Relish
This was suchhh a fantastic combo. I’m peach/nectarine obsessed during the last of the fresh peaches this year. The smoked gouda had a really dominant and outstanding flavor. It makes me want to use it for burgers again! I thought about grilling peach slices but thought this would be easier to eat. The little one ate the same thing but I just put the peach relish on the side. We cut out some of his pretzel bun too for ease of dicing and him eating.

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https://living4youboutique.com/etpoeqc7ll This quick relish would be really good on a pork tenderloin, or a grilled portobello, or on a white fish- maybe tilapia.

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