Biz Cards 6

source Back during my 1st blogaversary, I said mapped out my goals. One of them was to get business cards. The day has come.

follow url drum roll please! biz card

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source url

source Also, the day has come to drop down to 2 posts a week until my event at work is over. This is my busiest time of year and it’s all I can do to be a real person (like do laundry, go to the gym, walk the dog, and eat real food) and to do what I need to do to stay sane when I’m not working (like lounge, sleep, read, watch dumb tv). Every year is like this so I knew it was coming. In June I’ll be back to 3 posts per week.

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enter site In the meantime, send me a guest post (emily@thethreebiterule) or wish me luck!

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