Crowd favorite flavors, but make it chili-esque. We needed some comfort post-election and this was a hit, as were the leftovers.

This was comforting, flavorful, and fun with all the toppings! We had some green beans on the side and crescent rolls.
Chicken, Bacon & Ranch Chili
Ingredients: (serves ~6)
28 oz pinto beans
1 1/2 roasted chicken breasts
2 carrots
4 oz can green chilis
2 tablespoons ranch powder (or 1 envelope)
1-2 cups chicken broth (for desired thickness)
1 cup cottage cheese, pureed (or 1/2 brick cream cheese)
~4 slices bacon
Green onions
shredded cheddar
corn chips

Peal & chop the carrots, drain and rinse the beans (don’t drain for thicker chili), bacon, and puree the cottage cheese.
In a large pot with a drizzle of olive oil, cook the broth, beans, carrots, chilis, and ranch to a low boil for 8-10 minutes.
Shred the chicken.
Reduce heat to low for another 5 minutes. Stir in the cottage cheese puree and the chicken.
Cook for 5 minutes and remove from the heat.
Top with shredded cheese, green onions, more bacon, and corn chips.

This was good! It was more soupy than some chili is, but we all liked it. Cooking everything together can be a gamble, but this one paid off (and crescents & green beans were some safe options).
This could go into a crock pot with raw chicken breasts for 4-6 hours with the cream cheese or pureed cottage cheese at the end.