What I Ate: Apple Cinnamon Rolls

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http://www.wowogallery.com/xso2acperWhat I Ate’ is a series of posts for so-easy-this-doesn’t-need-a-recipe but I’m sharing with you for the idea or inspiration.


https://fireheartmusic.com/leyvlbk7 I “made” these with pears at the pear-picking-party during the pear cook-off and then of course I’m still using the huge supply of apples we picked. It is a great tweak on a pre-made breakfast option. I love it. Also, work is so nuts right now that I can’t even think beyond about 4 ingredients. I’ll re-surface after Thanksgiving. Is it Black Friday yet?

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Ingredients: (makes as many rolls as come in the package)

https://masterfacilitator.com/ta88zqnf Refrigerated cinnamon rolls with frosting 2 apples chopped https://www.ngoc.org.uk/uncategorized/future-events/2fnh7d8 2 tbs brown sugar

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https://mmopage.com/news/9j7bqku Preheat the oven to 350-degrees. Add the chopped apples to a flat pan with brown sugar over medium heat. https://sieterevueltas.net/sbcu5r5r Cook 5 minutes until softened, but not mushy. https://mmopage.com/news/bc49s2bwr The Three Bite Rule - Apple Cinnamon Rolls https://therepairstore.ca/zclkeoibn Pop open the cinnamon roll can and place into a sprayed baking dish. https://serenityspaonline.com/5scsarevh The Three Bite Rule - Apple Cinnamon Rolls https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/u7xkiupq6 Spoon the cooked apple over the top. Using a knife, press some apple chunks into the cinnamon roll layers. The Three Bite Rule - Apple Cinnamon Rolls https://equinlab.com/2024/01/18/ago2j9gjb Bake 20 minutes (or according to your cinnamon roll package). https://manabernardes.com/2024/d2y7wxhh The Three Bite Rule - Apple Cinnamon Rolls Spread the frosting over the top. (Tip: dab it out of the package then spread when it starts to melt a bit)
Apple Cinnamon Rolls - The Three Bite Rule
Yum. These are fantastic. The apple flavor is so good with the cinnamon in the roll. The frosting is really non-negotiable. Trust me. Don’t skip it. They’re gooey and soft with apple for texture and sticky sweet frosting.
The Three Bite Rule - Apple Cinnamon Rolls
You could always make your own cinnamon rolls, but aren’t you too hungry for that in the morning? I know I am! Cook the apples in advance and you’ll be on your way even faster.


https://sieterevueltas.net/jv1njg7ibn Make it for Thanksgiving with some dried cranberries getting rehydrated with some cider or orange juice with the apples & brown sugar. Or cook up berries and use that instead of apples!
