Happy FIVE Years!

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I cannot believe The Three Bite Rule is FIVE years old. Five. That’s bananas. This is a crazy time of year at work for the next few weeks so I didn’t quite have time to plan something extravagant. Then again, I’m not going anywhere so it isn’t like I need to go out with a bang. Should I want this to be bigger? I don’t know. I’m pretty content for The Three Bite Rule to just be what it is.

https://manabernardes.com/2024/7jhkgi34s I like doing this. I like making time for it. I like that it is just mine to share with others. It makes me think, try, be a little creative, and remember not everything comes out perfectly. I know not to force my joy into it providing my livelihood. I want to do good work and make a difference in the world. I absolutely adore my job and was happy to return to it after my maternity leave. I learned being home with the little man meant I was lucky and a positive time for both of us but my best self has to work with other people, providing some good into the world. I think work has to be something you enjoy but I also think people make the mistake of trying to have all their wants and needs met by their life’s work. That’s where your hobby can come into play.


Buy Diazepam Powder China This year, woah. I live in such a different world than when I started blogging years ago. The little one is such a joy and my favorite part of this year, of course. Mr. J and I have adapted our meals to fit our busy times of year at work. It is definitely wayyy quicker to make dinner when not blogging it so I slowed to 2x a week and it seems like a good fit. I learned to snap a few more photos to have some more choices. I unfortunately don’t get to snap the photos in daylight very often but that’s just how it is.

https://modaypadel.com/tk3r71alybg So, what’s ahead for the year? I’m not sure.


Buy Diazepam India https://www.justoffbase.co.uk/uncategorized/i443gi1bz6o My Fav Photo of the year: https://www.ngoc.org.uk/uncategorized/future-events/baoi24tk Salmon with Creamy Dill & Cucumber Dressing https://masterfacilitator.com/edmls370p4 The Three Bite Rule - Salmon with Creamy Dill & Cucumber Dressing https://sieterevueltas.net/oajt2qtq Fav Food of the Year: Chicken Thighs Order Valium 10 Mg Uk Tuscan Herbed Chicken Thighs over White Beans The Three Bite Rule - Tuscan Herbed Chicken & White Beans 350Mg Soma Medicine Fav Restaurant Re-Creation of the year:
Chicken Meatballs with Kale, Cranberries, and Fresh Pasta
The Three Bite Rule - Chicken Alfredo Meatballs
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Picnic Burger with Potato Sticks & Slaw
Picnic Burger - The Three Bite Rule

https://gungrove.com/4llr8vji This year’s goals:
The Year of the Earring
make more salad dressings
factor more time into how long every-day tasks/trips will take
recreate restaurant menu items
be more adventurous with my reading selections
use the crockpot more
seafood once a month


I don’t know what’s ahead and that’s OK with me! I’m so grateful for everyone who reads my blog. I appreciate you!


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